Chapter 49

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~1 month time skip~

"Who the fuck was she!" Demi asked as she followed Odell around the house.

"Demi you're tripping" Odell said.

"You we're hugged up on that bitch last night!!!" Demi yelled.

She was glad that the kids wasn't home because she didn't want them to hear any of this.

"The fuck you talking about! What bitch I was hugged up with!? You just want to hear yourself run yo fuck mouth" Odell snapped.

"First of all who the fuck are you talking to like that!" Demi said pointing her finger in Odell's face.

"Yo get your finger out my face man" Odell said as they stood in the hallway.

"Or what? Gonna get your little bitch to beat me up?" Demi said stepping closer to odell.

" I don't talk to no other female but yo crazy dumb ass. And i don't gotta get nobody! I can handle you myself the fuck" he said.


"But you know what? I'm done you can give this to your bitch" demi said taking off her engagement ring.

"Don't take that fucking ring of- put the ring back on Demetria" Odell said.

" no I don't fucking want it" she said waking away towards their room.

" why you keep trying me" Odell said Said following Demi into the room.

Odell proposed to demi when she got her ankle bracelet taken off. He took her out to a nice dinner and they took a walk on the beach and that's where he popped the question.

Odell phone was on the nightstand just blowing up. Demi walked over picking his phone up.

" unlock the phone" demi said.

" no" Odell said sitting down on the bed.

"Unlock the fucking phone Odell"

" I don't have to do shit! " he said looking at her.

Demi got so mad and annoyed she threw the phone at him hitting him right in the mouth. Odell pushed demi up against the wall, having her jacked up by her shirt.

" the fuck is your problem! You trippin big time today"

"Let me go!" Demi shouted.


Demi and Odell ended up have a big fight. Both hitting each other, demi threw a bunch of stuff at Odell. Everything broken on the floor. Odell laid on the floor too tired to move and demi laid on the bed with her hand rested over her face. Demi left Odell with a half black eye, a bloody nose, and bust lip while demi was supporting a bust lip and a few bruises here and there.

Odell had finally got up going downstairs grabbing some ice packs and a wet rag before going back upstairs.

"Come here" Odell said walking over to Demi.

"No.leave me alone" demi Said.

"Come on Demi" he said cleaning the dry blood from Demi's lip before putting the ice pack on it.

"I'm sorry for hitting you baby.... I really am" Odell said.

"They wasn't even hits but I'm fine" she said.

"I'm not talking to anybody else but you alright? I swear to god. You're the only one I want to be with, I wouldn't have asked you to marry me"

"I just.... the pictures I seen with that girl on you at the club just made me upset. I'm sorry for beating the shit out of you and taking my ring off"demi Said.

" just don't take it off again please" he said reaching in his pocket grabbing the ring he put it back on Demi's finger.


" the fuck happened to you two?" Dontae asked.

"Fighting" demi mumbled.

That caught Devontae's attention, turning his head over to Odell.

" you put your hands on my fucking little sister!?" He asked.

" come on bro it's not even like that" Odell said.

" no Devontae it's fine. He was just nudging me, you know I'm easy to bruise. I was the one hitting him" Demi said.

"Demi you know mom would fucking kill him and you for hitting each other you know she doesn't tolerate domestic violence" Dontae said.

"Yeah I know. But we were mad and didn't think about our actions" she said.

"why didn't you guys just fuck it out like any other couple!? Demi look at you!" Devontae said.

"Mama D be serious about that shit?"
Odell asked as he had the ice pack over his eye.

"Yes! She hates it so much. She used to be an a abusive relationship and she said it changed her life" Dontae said.

"You two need to ice everyday and I'll go pick up some ointment for you guys" Devontae said.

A/N: didn't know what to do with this chapter. I got the idea when I watched a video of Chris brown talk about the incident with him and Rihanna😬.

Does anyone want to write Odell's proposal to demi( It'll be a flash back)?? I'll give credit don't worry i won't do ya dirt😊 because I honestly don't want to write it😩

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