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"I would like an proper explanation please." Samar demanded.

"Do we have that much time?"

"Make it short.."

"I'll try.." She finally got ready.

"You always have a the best friend you know for that friend you underrate the word best, kanhaji is that friend for me."

"But why him didn't you found any living friend.." samar mocked her.

"I know you won't understand and believe in his presence but he's here with us ,with these guys , with everyone, it's just matter of your beliefs. You see god in stone statue and I feel him around in air."

"Why him?"

"Long story short..
He was enjoying his life with radha in goloka before shridhama one of his grate devotees cursed radha just because he thought radha is possessing kanha, he thought she is maya, he thought devotion is greater than love." She smiled.

"Kanha tried to make him understand the fact that he's thinking wrong. But have ever humans got over there pride over anything..? Shridhama was no different, he was so proud of his devotion towards lord krishna and he hated the fact that radha's name is being called before krishna 'radha krishna' he hated this so krishna let him do whatever he wanted but he cursed radha that she will forget krishna and live away in mrityuloka for hundred years."
She took a pause.

"But why didn't krishna stopped him, he is god after all." Venky explained his doubt which is bugging samar too.

"As I said humans never remember what they have heard they only remember what they've seen with their own eyes, krishna can't invade in the plan of destiny.
Krishna and radha were no different from each other they were two separate body's but shared same soul, krishna shared that curse with radha then in the end of dwaaparyuga radha krishna took birth again in search of love and to save dooming dharma." She looked at samar and smiled. "Hope you know what happened afterwards. He stayed away from his maternal parents, he had to leave radha, he had to take many curses on him, he had to see the doom of his own vansh. Still he stayed loyal and always thought good for world and his devotees, saying love is Base of all works, elements and emotions, love is devotion, devotion is love."

"The owner of sixty four characters,  
Owner of this universe, most powerful man survived that a normal person can never even think of, then why wouldn't I be friend with him. He's inside my brain and heart keeps me from doing wrong and complete my wishes, hears me out and comfort me in different ways. It's my belief call it law of attraction or call me psychotic. This is what I am." Keva gave samar a satisfactory smile.

"I hope you get your admissions done." Samar said.

"Yeah I wish the same."
By the time car came to halt near hospital. And a Strachur were Brought by the ward boys.
both of patients were rushed into emergency room.

"did you saw where is keva?" Samar asked venky and sanam.

"No we didn't, where did she go in instant.?" Sanam answered.

"Hey guys there is she, look." Keshav points at reception. Where she was standing, her hairs were now open and totally dry she was wearing a blue salwar suit.

"Don't she look totally different now and her hairs damn they are so long." Keshav remarked.

"Don't you think you are noticing her appearance way too much?" Samar said in stoic tone.

"No I didn't meant to but.."

"Let it be guys." Sanam said and sneezed.

She approached boys after she filled some forms. "Hmm. Hold this." She handed a little glass bottle to keshav. "Smells like alcohol but it's not it's a ayurveda medicine, will cure your cold instantly. But take only one table spoon with like warn water before going to bed." She instructed rudely.
"And you Mr. Whoever don't you think your dids can ruin someone's life. You know how important those admissions were.." She was fuming in anger now.

"Excuse me!" Samar said in disbelief, she is acting exact opposite from car.

"Excused. I don't even have time to talk to you guys." She said and left them.

"Did she just...." keshav was saying something.

"Blamed us for everything." Samar completed his sentence.

"She is so rude and manner less girl." Sanam remarked.

"Leave her guys we have to attend the meeting soon." Venky tried to distract them.

"No. ben called, meeting is postponed to today's evening due to rain and heavy traffic." Keshav informed.

"Okay let's go to home then if we're done here." Sanam suggested.

"Yes he's right they have contacted both of their families from their IDs, so we are free to go." Venky agreed with sanam.

"Venky we have some work, you both can go home and rest we'll be coming behind you keshav and sanam." Samar said bluntly.

"What work?" Sanam tried to ask but samar shushed him.

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