isolated paradise

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I called samar meanwhile because I thought he would suggest me otherwise but he told me to apologise to him.but I wonder how this network thing act funny this time the ring was sent to him in first attempt and he did received.

"Look kay it's hard to admit and even though I hate to do so but he cares for you or you can say he respect you, I know it was not easy for you to go through some situations all Alone but you are not like this." He explained. "You are different and unique you never hurt peoples on purpose but you did now.."

"No I didn't meant to sam." I confront.

"Yeah but you should have kept calm plus you're not telling me something that links this together, I don't want to invade your privacy but I can feel it you know.."
He's right.! I didn't told him about the incidence that have happened at party but I can never tell him this.

"I did already Sammy." Lier.

"Ok I pretend to believe but you know the girls are right you should apologise, beside this you can go with the flow without apologising but I know and you know this will be a burden on you." He went silent waiting for my reply.

"Hmm... ok bye." Was all my reaction to this and I eventually hung up the call.

5:30 pm

I am waiting for loky from past hour but he's not here yet. This made me go mad and sad equally, he has never been this late before.

After waiting for more five minutes I started my bike and went to the fields by myself. After reaching somewhere around the woods I stopped cursing myself for how I can forget the road to Mr.vedic's place.

"Oh no dear keva you never really paid any hid to the road cuz half of the way you spend sleeping in that lavish car." My mind mocked me.

Oh I miss Olivia. I crossed my fingers "my guardian angel my lord my kanhaji.. please... please.... please show me the right way I will.." I needed to make a promise now. "I will visit you for next five Fridays without missing even one of them.. but you know it's important kanhaji.. please help me."
Superstitious I know they don't need anything from me but I every time brag with them when I want something from them, and magically my wish comes true. So why not now.

Then I heard some sound, sound of car wheels and then I noticed that car wasn't that far away from I imagined it just passed me silently the black BMW.

"No keva it can be the different one." My mind told me.

"May be but I don't remember the road plus I have to find the place before the sunset." I thought out loud.

I started the engine again and went behind that car.but it has already disappeared somewhere.. "No kanhaji..!!!!"

"he helped you but you weren't quick enough." I should go for a mental health checkup, I'm talking with my mind.

I was literally driving on extremely over speed limit to catch the sight of that car but no use. I kept veering through the road the sun was up to set now but I can care less.

Then a familiar sight of a property caught my attention and I smiled unconsciously. It was a beautiful view and isolated marvellous property in middle of nowhere and the sight of sunset.
In few minutes I neared a gate and halted my bike. Two mens with gun showed up.
Before they can ask anything I undid my helmet.

"Hi guys remember me?"
I hoped they remember me Cuz may be usually they saw me sleeping and now I'm awake.
Don't mind my sarcasm.

"We're sorry ma'am you can go." They bowed to me.

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