glowing up!

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I couldn't talk with Sammy for the whole time I'm here, I want to talk to him but every time I try to something happens or someone comes to get me or him.

As keshu bhai told me they are throwing a surprise party for Sammy I was so excited about it.  I suggested him about playing a small prank on him but as a surprise!
They all agreed but the question was how we gonna make him stop from leaving..?

Then venky bhai told me that sanam or I need to sing something for him. Sanam said he always sing for everyone this time I should be the one who'll  do it for Sam.

I agreed, it was for once after all. 'Stay a little longer with me' was the recommendations of sanam. He said it will be from all of us. I was bit hesitant first but as I said first, 'it was for once'. We left home saying we would be back by 10:00 pm. Zee was with me. We never go out without each other, you can say it's a twins bond. Aura had to work in the bakery for late hours Cuz she's getting more and more orders day by day. So she couldn't make it to party.

After on the party place. All things gone as we planned. Everything was going perfectly.
Sammy 's mom seemed to be so much impressed by me. And she asked me to sing 'jogiya'.

After so much of requests I had to agree with her. After seeing her puppy face I couldn't deny her. I was denying to sing because it was totally a very different song for me to sing, I usually sing all the rock, pop song which are mostly heavy voiced. Or old melodies which are plain simple voiced t least most of them. But aunty not seeming to be listening me and in the end of the convo I had to listen her. She is just like my muma.

After my nervous performance I was oddly surprised by myself and so aunty. Everyone praised me alot. And I was happy too until I heard Zee's yell.

"Oh holy fudge, what it is now.?" She's like this always yelling and screaming after loosing her control over her. "But what is making her yell in this party?" I wondered.

I quickly walked towards her. And i saw she was talking with keshu bhai, he was looking calm where Zee's back were facing me and her palms were feasted.
"What is it? Zee! Keshu bhai!?" I asked them.

In the reaction to this zee looked back to keshu bhai and he looked shocked.

'Oh wait! I know when we get this kinda reactions from people. Tell me they're not one of them.' "Tell me they don't know that we're twin" I mumbled to zee. She just shrugged.

"Sam..!??" I said stepping forward.

"Ghost...!!" Keshu exclaimed all of sudden.

"Bitch.. I'm not a ghost. Your dog is!" Zee said.

"Who are you?" Samar

"Ofc keva"

"Who's she, a doppelganger? " sanam said.

"!" I said weirdly. Don’t these guys ever heard 'bout twins.?

"She's just like you... who calls me bhai now...??oh god this is confusing" keshu held his head in his palms.

"Hey relax..! Seems like you guys never heard about twins eh!" Zee snatched my words.

I pinched her "same pinch" I blurt out.

"Ouch...!! Bitch how many times I've to tell you it's twin tuition..!" She blurt out shamelessly.

"Language..!! And yes still" I stick my tongue out.

"Fuck that language." Rubbing her arm where I pinched.

Meanwhile everyone were staring at us like they are seeing the two puppies fighting.
Let me explain.
Full of adoration. And all those cute things you can imagine.

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