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Vedic .

"Two hour away, Keep everything clean and clear as crystal. I don't want a slight sparkle of dirt when I get there." I ordered. I don't even know why I'm nervous I never explain how to do things but today I am.

"Yes king."

I tossed back the device in backseat. Looking at her on passenger seat beside me made me want to kiss her senseless.but how can I when she kept looking that innocent like a baby. It's been whole thirteen hours drive yet I don't feel tired. She woke up few times but the tranquilliser worked gracefully. She won't wake up for another ten hours. I had to punch a another dose in her since her body is fighting to gain consciousness.

I wanted to lay her down in backseat but that wouldn't be safe because it's only we two are here in the car.
She looked beautiful and peaceful in her deep sleep. Just like a baby drooling a little and snoring a bit. Her hairs clipped back, no matter how much I like them open on her but for now they are just creating a obstacle over her face. I want to see her. See her safe. Out of every danger and every pain.

I heard her taking a deep breath and looked at her. "Good afternoon love."
I said as she open her eyes slowly. "You're not here." She slurred and tried to shift her side But because of the drug I gave her she just drift in again. She sure gonna kill me this time.
But no one can say that we are here. Expect shiv, samara and grano. It wasn't a difficult task to extract her out of her house. Sure her sister helped me in this but it was easy so easy. The drive gonna be short since the road is empty I regret not taking my private jet here but at the same time I don't regret it. If someone has their eye on either of us they would definitely gonna know where we are. But this place is more like a secret hideout for emergencies like this. I had held her hand ever since we left her place. I caressed side of her face once again and concentrated on road ahead. "It's all gonna be alright love." I promised.

I picked her up in my arms as mens around me opened the door of my beach house. Personal property with restricted local and third party invasion. She is safe from every danger here no one can even touch her hair here.

"King." The head maid bowed. "The room is ready as you wanted it to be, and yes king you are not going to sleep until you have your dinner, rajmata have strictly told me to make sure you eat." She was a old lady around her fifties. Around 5'2 and trying hard to keep up with my pace. I stopped in my tracks so did she.

"Mrs. Lucy Lingwood. I'm he'll of a tired right now and want some rest, And I am so much able to take care of myself. Don't strike my nerve and trigger me to do something that I might don't even regret of doing." My jaw tightened.

"Oh king I'm so sorry. Your dinner will be at your room get freshen up and take rest."

"You are not informing rajmata anything until I say so. send a girl to my room. Am I clear.?"

"Yes king." She scurried away quickly.

I laid keva on bed unclipped her hairs and sat next to her. Simply staring at her. She would just stir something and go back in her sleep. It makes makes me sad how her life is getting messed up at every step she taking and everything changing in a bad way for her. She was happy doing her dream job under samara's wings holding onto her family. I'm afraid it's never going to be the same from now.

"My king." There was knock on the door following by a girl. I know her.


"I'm going to destroy you and your family." He screamed in pure rage.
He's eyes red in pain and anger. After all he lost his son. Because of her as per his thinking.

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