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In mid afternoon grey clouds were still in the sky with slight orange sunlight which seemed like a fuming angry bull, which want to get out his all anger just like me. Rain pouring out of my 5 stories warehouse. Which actually is a house but contain a big torture room in basement or dugong you can say,it wasn't as the old movies used to show all rusted and dirty as gutter it but it is like all modern with unbreakable clean metallic chains with electric big chair with can give you up 1000 vaults of current new modern equipment from daggers with knifes and syringes which can burn you from inside out without leaving a single trace, walls painted in gold with gray, a cabin,  some other rooms, i come here only if it concerns something closer to me.

Now I'm here because it more than concerning  me, i looked at my swollen scratched knuckles, I'd be lying if i say it doesn't hurt, it does but not much. I'm actually used to these kinda bruises. Cracked my neck .

It's been hours that I'm torturing those bastards who tried to lay their hands on my love.after seeing the video with samara and shiv in my cabin, Her irritated face ,the disgusted look on her face, the fear in her eyes which she was trying hard to not to show up because of those Hellworms, the pain she felt because of them every fucking thing just fuelled my anger. The continues bashing which i gave them didn't satisfied my anger, i wanted to see her, just hold her close to me to make sure, make her feel comfortable,safe from all this cruel world.
I Cleaned myself and dialed a number.


"How is she?" I asked as a man voice boomed in my phone.

"Miss, keva is alright and doing good boss, they are in their home and talking to their mother and sister. Boss" My men informed me.

"Any suspicious activity around her?" I asked in plane voice.

"No boss but seems like they are going out with someone."

"Find the details and call me ASAP" i ordered.


I desperately wanted to be around her,with her but my situation held me back.
I have lots of enemies who are just waiting for my weakness to show up and they can get me down and kill me mercilessly.

All i wanted to keep her.
I really don't know how i developed this much strong feeling for her, but it really feels right. Always i imagine her beside me talking,having fun and enjoying every moment of mine with my love.
She's perfect just as her namename unique.

"Keva" my love.
Her name lured my sences, the way it rolled on my tongue. A smile tucked on my face as her thoughts again clouded my mind. Wait when does it actually left my mind? Like never from the time i first saw her.
Cutting my thoughts out my phone ringed.
Without seeing Id i picked it up.

"Where is she going and with whom?" I asked

"Ved..!! Who is going where?"
My grandma's voice came through the other end.

"Oh grano..!! I'm so sorry i thought you were someone else! How did you called? Is everything fine? Where are you?" I asked getting panicked.

"Calm down ved. I'm totally fine and I'm in palace totally fit and fine, you didn't called it's been long time, did you forgot your family ved?" She asked faking anger which i can clearly feel.

I chuckled "oh my dear granola, my energy, my life, i can forget myself but not you. You know right?" I said in buttering her. "And you also known I've lots of meetings to attend, and i always have to travel for that. But don't worry I'll never ignore you rajmate!!" I tried to convince her pressuring on last word.

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