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She pushed me on the couch,
And sat beside me I was wondering what she is up to do.

"sit properly.." She said in low frustrated voice.
And pulled me towards her..
"Haven't you ate anything in a while..?" She carefully took my hand.
"Get me a first aid box ASAP!!" She shouted and few mens around rushed in different directions in different rooms.

"there are few things I want to clear up here." She said taking my arm in her hands.
She tore up the sleeve of my shirt.

"That was a customised one." I said in disbelief.

"So freaking careless." She said inspecting the injury, ignoring me completely.

"You should act civil with a girl you know.
When someone says that they can't be there for a week or more than that you should enquire about that."

Two mens come rushing to us.
"Pass me hydrogen peroxide." She ordered and they did. Cleaning up the injured area "the door was made up of glass then what in the hell these wooden splinters doing here?" Now how can I explain this..

"You didn't showed up in entire week Mr.vedic no phone call, no message, no contact at all.
And you ask me if I missed you because you were away for three days and now you were out for a whole week. How are you explaining this now?"

She pulled out her phone from her backpack "Hey you're back?" She started "Oh... can you visit a place that I'm addressing you?" With whom she's talking with.

"No as soon as possible, if you could send someon else I would really appreciate that." She stopped and hummed "No it's bit serious that's why.. I guess stitches are needed." She inspected my arm again.

She laughed lightly on the call "Roger that.. but show up early please. Bye." She cut the call.

"You think what you do is to save me or just to keep me away from some strange things that I have no clue about." She was clearly upset and surprised in some manner.
"Hand me tongues." Man did as she said. "Small one dumbo." She scold him.

The rest of the mens chuckled on this, She glared at them and they stopped. She plucked out the remaining splinters and applying antiseptics and some ointments on that she put cotton on it slowly then started to cover it up with cotton gauge.
"The incidence happened in party was equally impact full on our lives, it was too difficult for me and my friends to register all those things that happened in that day in our life so quick." Her voice cracking. "It's not normal for us Mr.vedic, it's a crime and we all know this very well, may be you have saw some of these but no matter how hard I try to convince myself that you are there and you will handle everything..." She stopped and inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly "you didn't showed up, what do you think that I should think about you not being around and disappearing all of sudden?" She looked into my eyes with her eyebrows knit together."but it's enough now Cuz one more time I realised expectations are worst in every manner, and I promise you and myself that this would be the last time that I would be expecting something from you." She said it and stood up,

"have you ate anything?" She asked me in stern voice, biting her lower lip. when I was busy in admiring her and taking in all things she is doing and saying, I didn't knew that my moves matter for her and this much.

"Where is kitchen? Do you have groceries in it?" She asked me using same tone but bit frustratingly.

"Why you want to know?"
I asked slowly softly.

"Because I want to rob your kitchen down, because I'm feeling hungry like an yeti who haven't eat anything in 99 years of solitude and don't want to count this hundredth year." She said and sucked in her cheeks.

I just kept looking at her and didn't say anything.

" Oh I'm sorry you must have a cook here, don't worry I will not be eating him or her." She continued folding her hand on her chest.

"boys do we have kitchen in here?" She is looking at me but talking anyway.
I couldn't understand what if I should be laughing at this or be wondering cuz she's already behaving like an insider.

"Yes ms.keva we king have a kitchen."

"First thing... anyway I shouldn't be saying that but second thing lead me to the kitchen." She gave me a glare and walked behind the men.

"Find out about the person she called." I ordered a men and he left me a nod.

Few minutes later the men walked with a tray and a glass in it.
"King ms.keva said you have to finish this in ten minutes." He was trembling and looking down, he put the tray down and stood up there taking two steps back.

"Why is she doing this." I thought to myself and took the glass from the tray it was the same thing that grano use to give me. "Turmeric milk?!" I scoffed.

I heard grumbling sound so I myself walked to the kitchen with that glass in my hands.
She is grinding something in grinder machine and the griddle is on the gas stove with low flame.
Mixing the all the ingredients in a bowl she made little balls and pressing them between her palms. It's weird to say but I never saw anyone cooking before not even my grano not my mother.

The only memory I have of a lady cooking in kitchen is from my childhood maybe she was a maid but she didn't had the appearance of a maid or a servant, she looked so happy with me and had very descent attire even though I don't remember her voice and her face but I do remember her laugh and my childish giggles.
The memories of us swinging in the swing that was on a tree behind the castle, her running behind me with food in her hand everything. My father hugging
Her dearly and they run behind me joyfully
"My vedi is a brave boy, he is a warrior and will become a great person." I remember her words.

Suddenly my head start to ache and the world around me start to spin around, I felt the glass in my hand fell down and I tried to hold on something for support.

The last thing I remember is keva running to me, calling my name and only black.


"King... boss.." Laksh coming to us and Mr.vedic laying down unconscious his head on my lap and I was trying to take away the glass pieces, he was drinking the turmeric milk I gave him a while ago.

I didn't know from when he's standing here. "Rub his foot and palms.." I told laksh.
Putting my forehead on his I checked his temperature because my hand was bleeding.

"Ved...ved wake up..!! Ved please.."
I pressed held my cheek on his face. He's breathing very slow.

I pushed his side and made him lay on his side in recovery position. Rubbing his back I told laksh "call on the last dialed number call him ASAP." I slide my phone to him.

"What is password?"

"It's 'LOVE' hurry up laksh.." I panicked my voice cracking and loud.
"somebody call the ambulance.." I shouted.

"hell he will be here in 15 minutes sharp." Laksh cut the call.

"No we can't wait for the fucking ambulance laksh..." I flipped Mr.vedic facing his face to ceiling. He looked pale his locks all over his eyes and forehead.
In this very damn situation he still manages to look perfect example of charm.

I caressed his forehead and face it was becoming cold. "please wake up." I whispered near his ear slowly.

I positioned my right hand on his heart and his chest stopped rising, keeping my left hand above my right one I interlocked left and "please kanhaji save him, I'll do the special pooja on his name but please save him." I begged and pressed rhythmically but didn't saw any response. "Please vedie.." I did it once again.

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