fanbase of cars

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It is real fun to annoy your sibling, I never miss a chance though. So I grabbed this one too!
Yes I felt bad after some time but not much because I know her. I know she'd make herself something, I hate to accept but she cook good food so... it's no big deal that I ate her food too.

After half an hour I peeked out from door if she made something or doing anything but I saw nothing but empty hall, I slowly tiptoed to kitchen then my parents room but no.. she's not in home.

"Oh fuck did she left house..??" I thought out loud. "Naah she probably be out to buy herself some food.." I told myself 'hope so...'

Calming down my sudden anxious heart, I sat in main hall going through some tv shows.
When I found my favourite avengers movie playing on I stopped clicking further.
After some time I heard 'bagira's' barking unstoppable..
"Oh shit.. it's not good." My mind told me.

"Oh no its probably must be a stranger to bagira but that person must be a good guy or girl." My angelic heart told me.

Can't deny both possibilities so I  just picked up my little brother's cricket bat and opened the door to face whatever or whoever it is.

As I opened the door I saw someone is pointing a gun on bagira and he's barking and growling uncontrollably.
Without thinking of anything I swung the bat to the person and bravo it's directly on his hand.

"Bagira come here." I screamed and without waiting for a second my baby obeyed me. "Aww I owe you a big meal for this baby." I cuddled him and turned to get both of us inside of the house. Just then I heard car's door opening that I didn't noticed yet was standing in our driveway and olive green Mercedes "Oh my my keva darling will be the happiest one after seeing this beauty." I said to myself cuz I know how much she love classy cars and this brand called 'Mercedes'.

"Hello Ms.ziya." a deep manly voice attracted me to him.

"Oh wait.. I.. know you, you look much more good than pictures itself.. guys you're so damn handsome." I giggled forwarding my hand for a shake hand.

He looked bit confused "pictures?.. you know me." He more like answered his own question.

"Yes Mr.vedic I saw your pic in keva's gallery.. sorry but keep it a secret ok cuz she don't know I check her phone." I giggled.

"She have my pictures.?!" He asked in amusement.

"You didn't know..? Wow surprising."
When I was making a talk with him bagira growled again.

"Boy they're friends calm down." I patted his head and let him in his little doghouse.

"You've a nice car.. kay love this one, specially this car company. If you are up I bet she'll tell you all information about this car and this model If I ask her to.." I quirked up my brow.

"Okay." He said with light laugh.

"Okie get in then and oh yes sorry for that bat stunt, but I didn't knew that you businessman guys go around with a fucking gun and a bouncer." I said apologetically.

"That not true but you dog seemed to be very dangerous at first but he's cute little puppy." He fired back.

"Ouch.. he's not a puppy.. he's a big guy you know." I protested

"Okay." He shrugged. "She's not home?" He asked while taking a look on our home.

"Call her name.. if she's in she will be here in a second if not.. then she's not home." I shrugged.
He looked confused but didn't said anything.

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