when the right time comes!

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"Then I hit her and her nose started to bleed. Teachers had to call my parents to make me feel guilty but... me being me I didn't apologised." I shrugged innocently.

"That's obvious. Don't fuck with family." Scratching my nose on his badmouth I signed shiv bhaiyya to shut his mouth up.

(Ladies and gentlemen presenting aham sharma as "shivam"  appreciate his charm by commenting ♡♡)

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(Ladies and gentlemen presenting aham sharma as "shivam"  appreciate his charm by commenting ♡♡)

cackling he proceeds to talk to Mr.vedic regarding some sort of traditional ceremony of their family. that's why he's here to meet Mr.vedic "So ved you're coming or your grandma gonna kill me without showing any mercy on me." He dramatically stated. I also learned that these two are very good friends like best buddies you can say. Shiv said I can call him bhai or just shiv so I apparently choose to call him bhai, calling him bhaiyya I remembered keshu bhai who in not in my touch from may be two or three weeks I didn't saw them neither heard from them. So I guess they are busy in some new projects of their band. It's not like I didn't tried to contact them. I tried but every time I do they are unavailable so I don't know what to do anymore.

"Then please die." Mr.vedic said stoically fiddling through some folder on his desk.

"No...!! I'm didn't even got married yet you ruthless dick you'll go to hell for this." He gasps like a high school girl.

Glaring at shiv bhai "Watch your mouth or else I'll cut your tongue down Shivam." Mr.vedic threatened him.

"Fuck you ved." Shiv bhai rolled his eyes and shut his mouth.

"Love..!!" Mr.vedic called me grabbing my attention, When I am busy in admiring their cute little filthy friendly fight.

"Yes Mr.vedic!?"

"Do you know someone of these or may be you've just came across them recently?" He said
Showing me some pictures on his laptop.

My eyebrows knit together, why suddenly he's asking me this. Walked to his desk. After nearly seeing fifty or more pictures I couldn't pinpoint even one face.
"You sure..??" He asked me again.

"Yes Mr.vedic I don't know them at all neither came across one of them, but out of nowhere why are you are showing these me pictures, is everything OK..? I asked in concern.

"Everything is fine don't worry." He tried to assure me but I can see a glint of worry in his eyes.
"Shiv you can leave now and let me know when you're done with the work.!"

"Surely ved but still one last time tell me..!" I heard light tread of his boots coming to us as my back was facing him.

"Tell you what?"Mr.vedic asked without glancing away from his device.

"That you are coming for the tomorrows ceremony ." He coked his brow.

"I've already told you." Mr.vedic retorted.

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