wrong move

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My world is different... Not like i was born with this or i wanted to
Be this But some of the situations and things doesn't happen the way you want to be them happen...
Same thing with my life...
I wanted to be a soldier, to serve my country but only one day changed my whole life,my life got a unwanted twist which was totally different and unexpected, unwanted....!!

But again page of my life took another flip...
This time a beautiful one strong and gorgeous one which is becoming a part my life day by day
And this time i want this to be happen...!!

She just completed her highschools when i first saw her....
She was bold, gorgeous, beautiful and confident at that time.. i was amused to know that she have a twin "a twin sister" they exactly looking same in every way... There eyes,nose, lips, hight almost everything it was like they were each others Xerox copies.
But i can tell the difference between them ...my one means keva was stronger than her sister but on other hand her sis.. her colour was fair than keva ,keva's hight was little more than her sis,but she was elegant and shy and introvert keeping her things to herself caring.... but keva,she is an extrovert she'll stand for herself and her family and her loved ones towards whole world. she wants to be the flow instead of being with the flow...don't know why but she's different... different than any girl.. that's what makes her beautiful..!! It's like she is made for me.
I found her all information from my special team...she was studying in some medical course back then ,i wanted to keep her for myself, but she deserves the freedom...she deserves every happiness all happiness in world she is sunshine of my dark world I'll do anything to keep her safe... from 3 years I've been watching her ....yeah..yeah!! I know It's not right to keep watch on a girl but i can't handle the urge to see her, to hear her ,to embrace her...and i have my most of trusted men's to keep a eye on her to keep her safe they only work professionally...i don't want to trust any other person in case of her... sometimes i myself go to watch her...near her college,in that cafe which belongs to her best friend auratrica may be, it's a small café i must say but a beautiful one they also have different kind of books to read in their...
I walk in the cafe in the hope to take a glance on her just to see he but never came across her till now because I'm scared the biggest thing what if my enemies got to know about her...??never in there fu**ing life.... I'd rip there heads from there body, I'll break every freaking bone of there body,i rip out there eyes from there skull and leave them to die... without water..!!
i wanted her near me from the first time I saw her,the first time I laid my eyes on her,my god knows how i controlled myself to live apart from her so i can't even think that she's being hurt... she'll get in trouble because of me, i can't risk her life, instead i can risk my life for her but i can't see she's being hurt because of my stupidity..

Few days ago my men come with information that she is getting admission in other college i asked them for keep me updated with every activity of her...but no one came to inform anything

But today my only best friend shivam came to me with an shocking news..

Then i had to show up Infront of her no matter what but i wanted to see her so badly to make sure she is safe...she is ok..
"Ooh keva why you went there 'love' ??"

I bumped in broad hard surface but tried to not to fall backwards...
When i saw a man standing Infront of me with a grumpy, wicked smirk on his face...a knot formed in my tummy...but i tried to ignore him and get to my cab,but he blocked my way... I just don't wanted to creat any scene or a mess Infront of temple.
"Let me go" i said in calm and steady voice.

He came near me taking slow steps "you're just arrived in here baby... I can't afford to let you go..not without.." he said with a creepy smirk

"I said get the hell out of my way... right now, otherwise you're not going to like the results"i stated in gruff voice,my palms turning into fist.

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