A little about Aura.

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A girl with bright smile and carefree attitude with a pinch of extra sprinkled possessiveness about friendship.

In friends with keva, ziya and everyone around her. She can be sweet as honey and bitter as poison everything depends on your behaviour.

"You know those guys were nice in both behaviour and looks of course but that sanam seemed little stubborn, but he don't know who I am. I'm queen of stubborn clan myself."
Aura said proudly.

"Yeah they had to be nice, after all they hit those guys with their car they need to behave after that accident rather that running away or keeping a rude behaviour."

"Wait zee what are you even saying, I can't get it.. come again?" Aura said.

"Four of them had to be nice after what happened aura. They are responsible for that accident and they simply paid for it.. at least a little but yes."

"You kidding me.." Aura chirped In shock.

"Did I fucked up?"

"Yeah sure you did.."

"May I know why? I mean what have I exactly done?"

"When I was driving to hospital I received two phone calls.."

"What does that have to do with this?"

"Alot just listen." Aura insisted
The phone was in my pocket because the rain had stopped and I thought it will until we reach her academy, but I was wrong and it started again when we reached accident point."
Aura took a long breath. We were driving triple seat so and I was the one driving the bike bcz I know how possessive is kay with that bike.
First call was yours regarding academy and second was from keva regarding telling you to get that herbal medicine for sanam."


"When I asked sanam to pull out the phone from my jeans pocket he hesitated alot and alot means alot that he refuse to pull that out, even I called him duck and what not. Same goes for keshav I called him monkey but they didn't reacted the way I expected them to, they respect girls and everybody around them."

"Oh, so they are good people and are not responsible for that accident."

"exactly, and they helped us." Aura declared.

"I'm feeling damn guilty for behaving like that."

"Oh my honey boo it's ok. Next time if we meet them just apologise once." 

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