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"Woah.!! You didn't have had to do this.. I mean really." I blurt out in awe. "It was just a simple game.. not so serious keshu."

"I know but you are the winner and you deserve this." He smiled shyly Scratching back of his neck. As he showed me a gold bracelet which had a small round charm with my names first initial and number one carved beautiful and a little red heart.
It's mesmerising.

"It's beautiful without any doubts but I can't take it." I denied to take it because it was looking so expensive yet I'm so bad at keeping things safely. Specially jewellery.

He clicked his tongue "Ah, c'mon zee.. I told you that you deserve this and if you are hesitant because of it's cost then baby I'm The Keshav Dhanraj. And you are a special friend of mine actually more than that, so don't ever feel like this or that. Okay?" He said boldly. I like this attitude of his.

"Seriously." I raised my brow teasingly.

"Sinfully yes." He gave a cocky smirk. That made me giggle.
No matter how much he try he looks like a lil goofy kid always.
            I extended my right hand so he can secure that bracelet himself. His eyes glittering as if I offered him something very precious. Then he clamped it around my wrist and said "congratulations ms.ziya." grinning ear to ear.

Keshav is different from other guys in many ways. I'm never like this with a guy before. Usually. I'm shy, can't get my words straight or I'm defensive af and protective to me and my twin and probably scared. Not wear a bracelet by a stranger. Would have ran away long time ago. I would have ignored, Dismissed, cancelled, denied that guy from entering in my life but with keshu it's totally different. I'm comfortable around him, he makes me laugh and want to put my guards on loose around him. But not yet.

"But." He broke my trail of thoughts. "Next time I'm going to win so keep my gift ready." He passed me a mischievous smirk.

"Oh Mr. dhanraj in your dreams. Best of luck for that." I faked attitude.

"So confident huh." He mocked dramatically.

"Of course." I played along.
Talking about the competition, it was a just a game to pass the time in cafesto we held few days ago. The game was who can eat more pretzels in ten minutes. And I won by seven.
I don't have to worry about weight gaining and loosing because my digestive system works faster than an average person of my age.so I can't gain access weight in my tummy or muscles. There are no side effects of that but one I'm hungry all the time.

I eat every time everywhere, not like a beast though but more than my twin does but my body shows no difference, even though kay is more curvier than me. My body type is slender where kay has a not so thin nor so curved body type. Similarly  hourglass. She always envy me for this extraordinary function of my body and I love seeing her jelouse. Of course in sisterly manner.

"Have you finished the book you've been reading for so long?" Keshu asked me sipping his sugar free, low concentrated coffee. He's a fitness freak.

"Yup! Already started a new one. But I'm running bit busy in pharmacy so I don't get time reading it in there." I sipped my sweet cream cappuccino.

"Do you have a quote book?" He questioned.

"No.. I send them to my twinies account and star them so I can find them easily. She does too. I'm so lazy when it comes to writing." I stuck my tongue out. "I'm weird nonetheless." I looked down curling my fingers on my lap. I'm not like those girls, intelligent and who loves to keep diaries and want to be friends with everyone, who have a big friend circle. Family's favourite and talkative. Normally.

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