Chapter 1. ~Breakfast~

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~Troye's POV~

I'm sitting on the bed in my hotel room at Playlist Live 2015, watching Tyler Oakley's latest YouTube video; it's a collab with Marcus. It's so hilarious that even though I've only watched half of it, I haven't stopped laughing once! Tyler is so cute, I think to myself.

There's two more minutes left of the video so I decide to finish it before getting ready for to eat breakfast downstairs with all the usual youtubers: Zoella, Alfie, Marcus, Louis, Tyler, Caspar, Louise and me of course.

So far Playlist has been wonderful, just like every other year. I love the fact that every year it's basically on the same date making it Tyler's birthday and also the anniversary of when I first officially met Ty in 2012. That was a good year.

When the video finishes I get up and walk to the bathroom. Tyler and I are sharing the same room this year but he fell asleep in the 'Zalfie suite' last night when we were in there hanging out so he's not there right now.

I take this opportunity and quickly tidy up the room, hating how messy Tyler left it. After cleaning up I go and take a quick shower. By 12 p.m I'm finally ready go down for breakfast, well it's more like brunch now.

I make my way down the hall and into an empty elevator, just as the door are about to close completely, I hear Tyler's voice shouting wait. I push a button and the doors slide back open; I put my hand over the doors to ensure they stay open.

Tyler runs in, colliding into me, making as both fall on the floor. I blush and so does Tyler, we both start laughing. Oh my god, I think to myself. He is so freaking cute.

"I'm so sorry Troye," He says, getting off me and then giving me his hand to help me up.

"It's fine," I say, smiling at him. "Did you just get up?"

"Yeah, did you?" He asks and I nod. "Everyone's already eaten, ya'know?" Tyler says in his adorable American accent. I didn't know for sure if everyone had eaten but I thought they would have since they all get up early. I nod at him again. "Wanna go to Starbucks and get something with me?" He winks at me and I smile to myself. I love it when Tyler invites me out, I think.

"Sure, but remember our meet up is soon, Tilly."

Tyler smiles and punches me softly. "Yah, I'm not stupid!" I see how cute he looks and decide to hug to him. He looks at me and smiles, hugging back, tighter. Our body press together and I love how it feels; he's so warm and safe.

He doesn't even question the random hug because he's used to it now. I always give him hugs at the most random of times. I do it to everyone.


After a flirty breakfast/brunch date with Tyler, we went to our Troyler panel where Cory asked us questions he got off of Twitter. It was really fun and we took our now signature Troyler selfie together, and then we answered so many questions. I always love answering the questions that fans ask. Well, now that that's over and done with, Tyler and I have an hour until our meet up.

"Want to go and grab something to eat real quick?" Tyler stares at me, his blue-green (to me they're blue-green) eyes meeting my blue ones, I gazing into his beautiful eyes.

Oh my, I think. He is so perfect! I want to kiss him so badly!

I don't know what it is but lately I've been thinking more and more that I want to kiss this American beauty. But of course I've contained myself from doing so, instead I just stare into his beautiful starkly eyes.

"Troye Sivan! Earth to trrroooyyeee!" Tyler snaps his finger in front of my face, pulling me from my thoughts. "Let's go get something to eat!"

I nod and all I can say is, "Sure." Tyler grabs my hand and pulls me outside, not wanting to waste any precious eating time. I'm dragged to a small restaurant that looks to only have couples inside.

I'm in a cheeky/jokey/flirty mood today so I smile a big cheeky smile at Tyler and say, "Aww, Tilly, you're taking me on a date!" I wink quickly.

He laughs. "Babe you wish you were on a date with me." I laugh and blush a little.

I do wish I was on a date with him! And kissing him would be good too. Laughing together we walk into the restaurant and sit at a small booth in the corner on the shop; it's excluded from everything and no fans should be able to see us.

It'd probably be really hard to convince fans that we're not on a date if they were to see us so it's good it's super secluded.

After a few minutes deciding what it get, I order a chicken burrito and Tyler orders a hamburger. I start realizing how Tyler always seems so strong and manly, and I always seem so weak and scrawny. He's always ordering manly steaks and burgers, and I'm ordering salads or tacos. I look down.

Tyler seems to notice and touches my hand. "Are you alright?" He looks at me and I contemplate whether to just smile and nod or shrug and take me hand away, or neither and do nothing.

I finally decide to just smile at him and nod. "Why wouldn't I be?" I force a laugh and Tyler seems to buy it. It's always been good that I was a former actor, it means I got acting tips and can fake stuff really well now. "Are you alright? I thought you'd have a hangover today or something?" I don't even know if Tyler drank that much last but he did act kinda drunk...

Tyler blushes a little from embarrassment; making me smile a little, knowing I made Tyler blush! "I didn't drink that much last might! I only fell asleep because my flight had been exhausting and I haven't slept during the day so I was so tired!" I poke my tongue out at him, teasing.

"I can't believe you were comfortable, the way you were lying on me; I don't think that would've been comfy."

He winks at me and says, "Try lying like that on me, it is actually so surprisingly comfy." I look at him for a bit before moving into a lying position, he moves down a bit and I place my head on his stomach. "You comfortable?"

Surprisingly, I am very comfortable. He's so soft and warm. My head sits perfectly on him, he slide one arm over my body and the other under my head. I don't answer him, I just turn my head over and look up at him, staring into his amazing eyes. He stares back and we stay like that for a while, just staring peacefully into each others' eyes. He smiles at me and I blush a tiny bit, smiling back. My heart skipping a beat when I see Tyler's eye dart to my lips then back to me eyes again. I smile again at him and see him blush, knowing I saw what he did.

It is actually quite weird that it's comfortable though, since his bones should be digging into me and my neck is awkwardly positioned but it's nice and I get why he'd fall asleep like this.

"Food's here," Tyler says, looking away from me and to the waitress who places the plates on the table; she walks away, not ever noticing where I was. "Are you gonna sit up and eat or am I going to have to eat your food for you?" Tyler's sassiness makes me laugh.

I contemplate whether to force him into feeding me or sit up but since he'd probably make a mess of my face and clothes, I sit up and we both start eating.


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