Chapter 17. ~Apologise~

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Tyler's POV

I ignore everyone and in walk into the curtained space; Connor lies in a bed, three stitches are across his forehead and his arm is bandaged up. "Connor." I mumble out.

"Go away," He says, glaring at me.

"Look, I'm here to apolo-" He cuts me off.

"No, Tyler. I need to apologise to you. I shouldn't have gotten so jealous that I hurt Troye that badly! I just thought I could scare him into breaking up with you." The anger starts to build up again. "Troye is a cool guy but I did a lot to him and I'm glad you did this to me, it helped me realize that Troye and you aren't so different." I stare at him.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask, the raging feeling in my gut getting bigger and bigger. The want to punch him again getting worse.

"Troye and you are both just stupid, fat fags," He laughs and I launch myself at him.

Just when I'm about to land on top him, Marcus and Alfie grab hold of me and drag me out of the room. I yell at them to stop but they continue to walk out of the room, into the hallway and they just keep walking. I see Troye walking behind us.

When we finally get to the car the guys put me down. "What the fuck Tyler!? We told you not to do anything stupid and you do anyway!" Alfie shouts.

"What'd you try to do?" Troye asks, staring at me weirdy.

I sigh and give a tiny proud smile. "I tried to jump on him and was planning to punch him some more.." I trail off and watch them all stare at me, questionly.

"Um, why?" Marcus asks.

"Because Connor is a douche and called Troye and I 'stupid, fat fags.' I think he's lucky you guys came in when you did or he'd probably need more stitches." I say, watching Troye smirk.

Aflie opens his mouth to say something but Zoe runs to us, stopping him. "Tyler!" She yells. "You have got to stop yourself from hurting him. I heard what he said but still!" She hugs me and whispers: "Troye's lucky to have you." Before turning to Alfie. "Can you stay here with Connor?"

After Zoe convinced Alfie to stay at the hospital, Marcus finally drove Troye and I back to Zoe's. When we arrived Troye ran upstairs; I tired to follow but was stopped by Louise.

"I'm sorry." She says, looking at the floor and moving her feet nervously.

"For what?" I ask. What does she have to be sorry for?

"For glaring at you and being a bitch. I just...I don't know why I was mean when you were telling everyone about why you hurt Connor. I think I was just really angry bec-" I interrupt her with a bear hug.

"Louise," I start. "It's fine, you don't need to be sorry. I admit that what I did was a little extreme and hell, the reason wasn't that good."

"You're reason was love, Tyler. You love Troye and Connor hurt him so it makes sense you'd want Connor hurt worse." She says and I nod at her. "Oh, before I forget...Darcy wants to know if you and Troye would want to go to her tea party tomorrow?"

I think about it for like a second before nodding. "Of course I'd go! I love tea parties, tell Darcy we're coming!" I smile and Louise smiles back before she leaves, waving.

I walk up the stairs and turn right, opening the door and seeing Troye pacing around the room. I watch until he looks up and smiles.

"Tilly." He says, walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist; he kisses me with so much passion and lust it's different from our other kisses. He then pushes the door closed with his foot and drags me over to the bed.

"Troye, I needa tell you something," I say and we sit down on the bed close together.


Troye's POV

We get home and I rush inside seeing Grace, Louise, Caspar and Joe all gathered in the kitchen; I run upstairs and to my room, shutting the door quickly behind me. I pant- out of breath. Wow, I'm so unfit.

I walk into the bathroom and fix my hair then I stare at myself. When did I run up here? Well, I'm scared. Scared that Connor is going to tell Tyler what happened last year.


I stood in a hotel room, it was the second day of playlist live 2014. All the youtubers were at a party, getting drunk and playing spin the bottle. Tyler and I had been close and made out a lot in secret rooms and things were really steamy but I always told him I was waiting and that I needed more time. When I got too drunk, Connor decided to take me to his hotel room; when we got there I pinned him down and started kissing him, moaning his name. I liked him but loved Tyler. "I want you Connor, no one else." I had said. "What about Tyler? Don't you love him?" He asked but I replied, "No, I don't love him, he's just a nobody, a complete waste of space. Now let's fuck, Connor." And with that we did it.

Tears start to fall as I remember everything I said. It may not seem like something big but it was to me and I know Tyler, he would be so disapointed and I don't think I could handle that at the moment.

I walk out of the bathroom and hear footsteps outside; someone coming up the stairs. The door flies open and Tyler steps in a bit. He looks extra sexy today.

"Tilly." I say, walking over to him; I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his mouth. It's soft but filled with lust and passion. Then I push the door shut with my foot and drag Tyler to the bed.

"Troye, I needa tell you something," Tyler says as we sit down on the bed close together. I stare into his beautiful eyes and smile.

"Okay, tell me then."

"Well..I bought a plane ticket to Perth so I could go with you when you leave and then we don't have to leave each other because I love you and I don't want to be away from you." Tyler blurts out. I tear up excitedly. "I hope you want me to come because if you don-" I kiss him, interupting what he was about to say.

"I love you, I can't believe you'd come to Perth with me!" I hug him and we kiss again. I push him onto the bed and I hover over him and stare, making him blush. I bite my lip and then close the gap between our faces; forcing our lips together. I kiss down his neck and suck a bit, making purple spots appear. "I love you Tilly." I kiss his lips again, softly and then more forcably.

I start to unbutton his shirt but stop half way to just throw it off. He takes my sweater off and I try to hide myself. "Don't," He says, pulling my arms from my stomach. "You're beautiful, there's no need to hide babe." I kiss him and we wrap our around each other, pulling us closer. "I love you baby." He mumbles out through kisses.

Tyler flips us over so he's on top. "Hey!" I say but he just kisses me. We stay kissing like that for a while before Tyler starts kissing down my neck and chest, going down my stomach and stopping at my jeans. He looks up and smiles questionly; I nod back. He unzips my pants and takes them off, leaving a visible buldge in my boxers which Tyler giggles at; making me blush so hard.


A/N: Sorry this is a little short and I said that it'd be long but I'm really busy and it's my sister 20th tomorrow so we've been planning and stuff. Oh and I have to get up early in the morning to play tennis so I want to get some sleep (lol).

Sorry! I don't know if I'll update tomorrow because like I said- birthday! Well..I'll probably update a mini chapter if I can because I'm nice (; byeeeee

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