Chapter 47. ~Birthday Party~

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-SMALL SMUT WARNING (I'm not good at writing it so that's why it's small)


Troye's POV

*One month later*

It's my 20th today. I stare at the ceiling, still wrapped in Tyler's sleeping arms. It's only nine in the morning so I am not getting up yet. I glance at Tyler and smile. He's so perfect, I think to myself. He's always been there for me, even when I'm a douche to him.

My thoughts goes from being about Tyler to being about Elizabeth. I haven't thought about her for a while now, well I have but not intensly. Every time I think about her, I cry. Though it's been such a long time since her death, it still hurts to know that she's gone and I couldn't help.

I start to remember all the good times with her; when we had that funny, awkward dinner with my family; the day we met and had lunch; even when we were talking together in the car after I picked her up from the beach, saving her from Tyde and the other bullies.

Tyde. I still don't know if I should forgive him. I started talking to him last week but not because I've forgiven him, just because he's my baby brother and I don't want to lose him. Though his decisions were stupid, I know that he wouldn't do anything like that again.

My parents had talked to him and grounded him too. They talked to me after that and told me about bullying, mistakes and forgiveness. They told me that I didn't have to forgive Tyde straight away but he is my brother so they hoped I would learn to forgive him.

Tyler starts to move next to me, pulling me from my thoughts and memories. I look at him and his eyes flutter open.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi," He groans out, staring into my eyes before closing them. I smile and knock my forehead into his, waking him more. "Happy birthday.," He says quietly, kissing my lips gently before closing his eyes again.

"Don't go back to sleep," I whine. "You've slept for ages already! Let's do something!" I shake him and he opens his eyes again, smirking.

"How about I give you one of your presents?" He winks and I grin.

"Maybe, depends what it is," I answer, blushing a little. He giggles and pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine. We kiss deeply for a while before Tyler's hand work their way to the bottom of my jumper.

He slips it off and feels my chest before ripping off his own shirt. I smile at his bare chest and abs, touching them to see if they're real. They are. Tyler laughs and starts kissing me again.

He kisses down my neck and chest, then my stomach, stopping at my boxers. He looks up for approval and I nod, making him pull them down. He pulls down his own and then kisses around my groin.

I start becoming hard and Tyler seems to notice because he grabs my member and starts rubbing it up and down. I moan loudly, shocking me and Tyler laughs. He takes me in his mouth and I moan again.

He continues to rub, lick and tease me before finally he flips me over and gets me ready for his long member. He stick a few fingers in to make it more painless. I moan in pleasure and he starts to like up his member at my entrance.

Before I know it, he thrusts into me, making me moan loudly. He starts thrusting more and more, faster and harder.

We both last long before we release together. Tyler inside me and me all over the bed. Tyler collapse next to me on the bed and I lie there next to him.

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