Chapter 25. ~Elizabeth In Trouble PART 2~

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Dedicated to carina_dhru for commenting and voting. Thank you <3 love you.

Recap from PART 1- ", I'm behind the toi-toilet block, hi-hiding inbetween the b-bushes. H-hurry." She stutters out before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and bolt towards the toilet block, which is on the opposite side of the beach.


Troye's POV

I finally get to the toilet block and stop in front of it, bending over to catch my breath before walking around to the back. I seriously need to work out more. Three giant bushes stand together at the back and I listen for Elizabeth. At first there's nothing but after a few minutes I hear a soft sob and some quiet sniffles.

"Elizabeth? It me, Troye," I say in a loud whisper. The sniffling stops and rustling leaves is all that comes from the bush before finally, Elizabeth emerges. I stand there staring at her; her hair is matted and a mess, she got bags under her eyes, a bruise on both sides of her face, dried blood from her nose and all over her clothes, and also dirt on her clothes, in her hair and on her face.

"Tr-Tr-Troye?" She croaks out, staring at me with her big hazel eyes. I stare back into them and see the pain and fear she's feeling. I walk over to her and pull her into my arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I say, tear swelling up in my eyes. "We better get you home before they come back."

"No!" She retorts as she pulls out of my hug; I give her a questioning look and she explains. "I-I can't go h-home, n-not like this." She gestures to herself slowly, as though it hurts to move.

"You can come to my house," I suggest and she stares at the floor then shrug. "You can, I'll call and ask when we get back to the safety of my car. Come on now." I take her hand and start walking out of the bushes fully before freezing when I hear male voices near by.

"She went this way, I swear it!" One of them yells.

"I'll look in the girls' bathroom, you look in the bushes or something," another yells, this guy sounding very familiar to me. But before I can think about it, I'm being pulled on my Elizabeth.

"Wh-what're we go-going to do?" She asks, her awkward-stuttering fear voice making me want to just hug her and tell her she'll be alright. But at the moment, I'm not sure if she will.

"They sound close but not too close. Can you run?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Okay then get on my back." I turn and kneel down so she can easily climb on but she doesn't. "We need enough time to get into my car and lock it before they catch up, now get on before they're too close!" I demand.

She gets on carefully but quickly; I walk over to the edge of the bushes and look around the corner, seeing three guys walking towards us. They're not too close but they're also not that far from us.

"Ready to hold on tightly?" I ask Elizabeth and as soon as I feel her grip tighten, I sprint out from behind the toilet. I run up the boardwalk of the beach, the way I came.

As I'm running I hear the yells and footsteps of the boys chasing after us. I glance back and see them all blurred, but one catching my eye. One guy's figure looked familiar. I shake my head at the thought that if know someone who's a complete douche.

As soon as we make it to the car I unlock it with the click of a button and basically throw Elizabeth in the backseat before getting in the front. I lock the doors and put the key in the ignition before driving away, not once bothering to look at the guys to see who they are.

I decide to stop in a little side street when I think we're far enough away from the beach.

"How ya feelin'?" I ask, turning to look at Elizabeth. She's lying across the back seats, the same way I left her.

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