Chapter 5. ~Asleep~

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Troye's POV

After spending an hour talking with Zoe about Tyler and I and how I didn't know what the kissing meant, we decided that we should clean up the house a bit.

I start grabbing the dirty plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Zoe, you picked a really awesome house!" I say.

She blushes. "Thanks." I look at her and nod. "There were so many other houses we could have chosen though, but this one had the most rooms."

"Don't worry, I think you picked perfectly!" I smile at her and she nods back. "How many rooms are there anyway?"

" six or seven..." She replies.

"Oh wow, okay. It doesn't even look big enough to fit that many!" I say, laughing.

"Yeah, I know! Well, I'm going to head up and shower, if you're alright with staying down here and waiting for the others to get back?" Zoe asks.

"Sure, go, I'll just be on Tumblr." I smile at her and she rushes over and hugs me before leaving.

I finally get some alone time with my laptop. I sit down on the giant couch and take out my laptop, placing on my lap and then turning it on. I, of course, go on Tumblr first, then I quickly check Facebook and finally go onto Twitter.

On twitter, I favorite, retweet and reply to some tweets before seeing a tweet from Tyler that was posted about an hour ago: '@Tyleroakley: @Troyesivan, I'm so bored driving to the airport! I miss you twink'.

I decide to reply with: '@Troyesivan: @Tyleroakley, yeah I'm bored too, why aren't you here on Tumblr with me?!'

I smile to myself when I get a reply tweet from Tyler a few minutes later saying: 'Don't worry, I'm on my say now.'


Tyler's POV

I get back to Zoe's and find Troye asleep on the couch, looking so precious and cute.

"Hey Connor," I call out. "You're strong yeah?"

Connor walks into the room and looks at the sleeping Troye. "Yeah...why?"

"Can you carry Troye upstairs? You know, so when the others get here they don't wake him." I say. Connor smiles and nods. He walks over to the couch and picks Troye up; though Troye stirs a little, he doesn't wake up.

"Which room?" Connor asks, walking towards me.

"Follow me," I reply and then start walking to the staircase. We walk up and then turn right, I open the door- which btw has an amazing sign saying: "Tyler the queen and Troye the twink" on it- then we walk in. I pull the blankets up on the bed and Connor places Troye under them. "I'll come back down in a few, I'm just gonna go toilet." Connor nods and then leaves.

I lied to Connor; instead of going to the bathroom, I sit down next to Troye and just stare at him. I smile, thinking to myself: he's so adorable.

I sit there for a few minutes until I remember what I told Connor; I decide to leave Troye to sleep and head downstairs to the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and see Joe, Mamrie, Tanya and Jim, Connor and Zoe, all chatting away together.

"Hey, Tyler!" They all say when I walk in.

"Where's Troye?" Grace immediately asks, looking around. Her and Troye's relationship has gotten way closer the last past year, I still don't know why.

"He's sleeping," I say and watch her face drop. "I can go wake him up if you want?"

"Yes! Thank you!" Grace hugs over and hugs me. I leave hearing Connor laugh at me.

I just left Troye to sleep and now I have to go back not even five minutes later to wake him up...Oh whatever, he slept all night anyway!

When I get to my room I knock quietly before entering just in case he is up. "Troye?" I whisper as I walk over to the bed where Connor left him. "Troye, time to wake up." I say, louder this time. I shake him a bit and say his name a few more times.

Finally he wakes up, grumping and pale. "What?" He says, sounding sick.

"Are you feeling okay? You look sick." I ask, touching his forehead with the back of my hand.

"I'm feeling fine, thanks for worrying, mom!" He says, laughing at me. I frown back and he laughs harder.

"Whatever Troye. Now get up, Grace is downstairs." I wink at him and he greases at me. "Oh come on, if you weren't gay, I would have sworn you had a crush on her!"

"Tyler! No way!" He grabs me and pulls me down onto the bed, tickling me for payback.

"Oh come on! Stop!" I say throughout my laughs. He finally stops and is hovering above me, smiling and biting his lip. Oh, he's so hot when he does that! I think, looking at his lips. He slowly lowers himself towards me, until he finally fixes his mouth to mine.

He kisses me so carefully and slowly; teasing me until he finally kisses me hard. I kiss back, hungrily. I mumble out his name and he mumbles mine back. We lie there making out for ages before hearing a knock at the door and someone calling out my name.

"It's Grace!" I say, jumping off of the bed. "Act like you're sleeping." I quickly whisper to Troye, "And look adorable." He nods and makes himself comfortable.

"Tyler?" Grace knocks again.

I open the door and try to look sad. "I'm sorry, I can't wake him up! He's too adorable when he's asleep!"

She laughs. "I can wake him up. Can I go in?"

"Umm, sure." I move to the side and let her pass; she walks in and jumps straight onto the bed, landing on top of Troye.

"Woah! What! Get off me!" He yells from under the blankets. "I'm trying to sleep here!"

Grace finally gets off, laughing at Troye's failed attempt of getting out from under the blankets.

I walk over and start pulling up the blanket. "Here, I'll help."

"Thanks." He says as soon as he's free.

"Anything for you." I wink and then remember Grace is still here. "Alright so let's go downstairs now...."

"Yeah!" Grace says grabbing Troye and I by the arms and dragging us out. "The others are here now too."


A/N: I know I said triggering would be I here, I lied. It'll be in chapter 6. Sorry. Oh and sorry this isn't as long as usual, I just didn't have the time.

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