Chapter 39. ~A Month Later~

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Tyler's POV

It's been a month since Elizabeth's death and Troye is starting to become his old else again. He's still having nightmares every night but they've been getting better.

We're in L.A now; we came here a week ago and promised his family that he'd be back for his birthday (which is in a month). He's planning on opening the present from Elizabeth on his birthday. She'd asked him to do that in the letter she left.

I turn and look at Troye, who's sleeping peacefully next to me. I love that he's in my life as my boyfriend now, rather than just my best friend who'd always sleep in the guest room.

I watch as Troye slides closer to me and snuggles him head into him chest. He loves cuddling with me, especially while he asleep.

I wrap my arms around him and decide to go back sleep, not worrying about having the time because I know I don't need to do anything today. It's my lazy day to spend with Troye.

I cancelled everything just in case this day was hard on Troye. I know he still thinks that it's his fault Elizabeth killed herself, but it's not.

I lean my head down on Troye's and close my eyes. After about twenty minutes of laying there with my eyes closed, I know that I won't be able to fall back asleep. I let Troye go carefully and quietly slide out of bed.

I hear him groan and pat the bed, searching for me. He groans again and sprawls himself out over the bed. I hold in my laugh and his eyes flutter open before he groans again (he loves groaning in the morning).

"Get your cute ass back in bed," he demands and I shake my head; I grab my phone and look at the time.

"No, it's already 1 in the afternoon, we need to get up," I say, walking over to the pile of clothes left on my chair. I grab a shirt and some jeans before finding something for Troye to wear.

"I thought we could cuddle in bed all day?" Troye whines, moving around in the bed. I throw some clothes and a towel at him.

"Go take a shower and then we'll talk," I answer, smirking at him as he sighs. He gets up and leaves the room; a few minutes later I hear the water start to run in he bathroom.

I get up, leave my clothes and another towel on the bed before leaving he room. I walk into the kitchen and start searching for something to make lunch and breakfast with. I finally decide to make some waffles and chicken nuggets (you should try this it's actually really good) and start cooking. The food finishes cooking, right when Troye's shower stop. I smile to myself at the timing and go prepare the table for our meal.

Troye walks wearing his favourite 'A' jumper and blue jeans; I smile. He looks so hot in any oufit he wears so this one just adds to the list. He walks over to the table, gasping.

"What are those?" He asks, pointing about the covered plate on the table. I laugh at him and shake my head.

"Take the paper off and see," I wink and he gives me a questioning look before uncovering the chicken nuggets. Troye absolutly loves the chicken nuggets I buy so he goes crazy when he sees them on the plate. "I know you like them so I made loads." He smiles at me and rushing over, quickly pecking my lips before sitting down in his chair.

I sit down next to him and we start eating. As we eat our lunch, we talk about what we should do today. I'm clearful not to say anything to him that could remind him about what day it is.


Two weeks after Elizabeth's dead and Troye was sitting in his bed, on his laptop. I watched him from the desk, editing a video. His eyes started to fill with tears as he read something from his laptop. "Troye what's wrong?" I asked, Troye shook his head and I knew something was wrong. I got up and sat next to him. He pushed his laptop towards me and I read a hate post about Elizabeth. "Babe, ignore the hate, they didn't know her. It's okay," I had said but Troye just shook his head and tears streamed down his beautiful face.

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