Chapter 50. ~Honeymoon and The Next Week~

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A/N: Please don't hate me for such a long wait! I am truly sorry it took so long! Here's a super long chapter to make up for it, it's the last real chapter so I hope y'all love it! (Sorry if it's rushed or badly written...). Also, *SMUT WARNING*. And the POV might change a lot, sorry!


Troye's POV

The wedding was absolutely fucking amazing. After all the 5 seconds of summer music, my song and some more dancing, everyone left.

I was exhausted. Dancing all night with Tyler (and other people too) took a lot of energy out of me. After saying my goodbyes to all my friends, I found my family.

They were tearing up as I said goodbye, knowing they wouldn't see me in person for at least two months. I had to remind them that they'd see me every week through YouTube though so that made them smile,.

Finally, Tyler and I are sitting alone in the back on the limo we came in. As he looks out the window, I can't help but tear up at the realization of everything that's happened today. I married my soulmate. Yes, soulmate, because I think that's what he is to me. What we have is true love. We've been through so much and I'm actually so glad that I can now call him my husband.

"Troye?" Tyler says, worry and nervousness leaking through his happy sounding voice. I look over at him and see his smile fade when he sees my tears. "What's wrong?"

I smile and let out a hearty laugh. "I'm just happy," I answer, wiping off the tears. He nods but still seems worried, making me sigh. He always seems to want an explanation for everything! "I'm happy because I'm married to the most perfect, wonderful, amazing guy that I totally don't deserve."

"Babe," Tyler quietly sighs, smiling and blushing nervously. "It's me who doesn't deserve you." I shake my head and he nods. I decide not to press this into an argument so I just shrug, making Tyler grin widely, thinking he's won even though I gave up.

Suddenly I feel Tyler's hand on my knee, slowly making it's way up my leg. I look at him shocked. He replies with a smirk before trailing his hand to my inner thigh then up to my groin where he squeezes a little, making me let out a moan.

"Ty," I say, a little annoyed but he doesn't seem to care as he leans close to my face. His lips brush against mine and I slam them together a little too eagerly, causing a little laugh from Tyler because we start kissing passionately. After a while I feel Tyler's tongue flick across my bottom lip, wanting entrance. At first I decide not to open but after hearing a little whine and Tyler biting my lip, I open my mouth. Tyler slips his tongue in, deepening the kiss as he explores my mouth.

As we kiss, my hands make their way into Tyler's hair. Tyler's hands start to squeeze my groin again making me let out a moan into the kiss. He then moves his hand to trail up my body to caress my face.

Before we can go any further, the limo jolts to a stop, causing Tyler to pull away quickly and look out the window as I sigh from annoyance. I look out my window and see that we're finally home. I get out of the quickly and rush over to Tyler's door, opening it for him before the limo driver can.

Tyler tips the driver generously and he nods at us before getting in his car. I start walking up the path to the apartment when I'm stopped by my phone buzzing in my pocket; I pull it out and smile at the text.

'From Zoella<3: Be safe lovers (; if you know what I'm talking about (;' I laugh aloud and Tyler walks over to me to see why. I show him the text and he whispers, very seductively: "I like to live dangerously." He then turns and walks to the door, leaving me flustered and staring at him as he stands waiting for me to follow.

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