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A/N: before you continue, my new book is out, called Troyler- Happy Little Pill (AU) and well, I'd love for y'all to read it! (: thanks bye

This is going to have parts in 3rd person (narrator's POV) and will have time skips to make the end come quicker but will be long and hopefully make sense in the ending. Okay...well thanks, and I hope you enjoy reading.


Narrator's POV

It's 2018, two years after Troye and Tyler's marriage. Not much has happened except that they moved into a bigger house, they made another youtube channel called Troylertime, where they post weekly- but don't worry, they still post on their individual channels too.

They still do basically the same things every year, like go to Playlist and Vidcon, and also, Troye released two new albums, Trxyler (dedicated to Tyler) and also Wild. He's even had the privilege to go on a world tour that just ended two months ago.

Now, Tyler and Troye are at home and sleeping in their huge bed, cuddling close together with Coco by their feet. It's only 10:30 in the morning but Tyler starts to toss and turn, slowing waking. A few minutes pass and his eyes fly open to see Troye's beautiful face staring back, still asleep though.

He's so adorable, Tyler smiles to himself as he clearly wriggles out from Troye's sleep-hold. He may look weak but when he's asleep, he holds onto you like you're the most important thing in the world.

Tyler grabs some clothes and heads for the bathroom, looking back once to see his angel still sleeping, luckily. Tyler hates when Troye wakes up before 12PM; he's always grumpy and mean. Laughing to himself quietly, Tyler steps into the warm shower.

As he showers, he can't help but sing his favorite Trxye song, quietly of course though, not wanting to wake the devil next door. When Tyler is finally finished his long, refreshing shower, he dresses and then proceeds to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Knowing how obsessed Troye is to Nutella, he decides on making Nutella waffles and fresh coffee.


Troye's POV

My eyes flutter open and straight away I notice the bed empty of my perfect husband. Just as I stay to worry, I hear a faint banging from the kitchen and remember how much he loves to make me breakfast in the mornings. It's been like this since after the wedding; Tyler would cook breakfast, I would cook lunch and then we'd alternate who cooks dinner (or orders it).

I slide out of bed and pat Coco on the head before walking to the kitchen where Tyler walks around, plates in one hand and glasses in the other. I smirk at how much time he spends preparing the food and setting the table each morning. It's one reason why I love him so much.

I watch him finish setting everything up before making a dramatic entrance. "Tilly!" I rush in, a fake-worried look on my face. I wrap my arms around him, pinning his arms to his sides. "I was so worried!"

He starts squirming in my hold and whines, "Let go!" I do as he says and he glares at me. "Don't lie either, I saw you standing there for five minutes checking me out."

I smile at him innocently and he scoffs before ushering me to the table filled with food. We start eating and chatting about what we should today, considering Vidcon isn't for another month, we have nothing big for ages. We decide to just chill at home and go to the park later with Coco.

Once we've finished eating, Tyler sends me to shower and forces me to let him clean up; I do what I'm told and leave him in the dining room with the mess. I rush around the house looking for my oneise, find it and then go shower quickly, wanting so badly to just sit and cuddle with Tyler on couch.

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