Chapter 43. ~A Mellet Skype Call~

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Tyler's POV

Troye opens up Skype and we see Sage online. He looks at me and I nod.

"We need to find out, bub," I say and he nods before clicking the call button. It rings for about 10 seconds before Sage's smiling face pops up on screen.

"TROYE! TYLER!" She yells, her smile widening. Troye and I laugh together at her and she shoots ius a fake glare.

"Is the rest of the family up yet?" Troye asks.

"Yep, you want me to get them?" Troye nods and she holds up a finger to indicate she'll be back in a minute.

"Are you nervous to ask him?" I ask Troye, turning to him when Sage is gone from the screen.

"A little," he answers. "But we'll have to talk to him privately because I don't want my parents to know, just in case he is the one that bullied Elizabeth." I nod.

A few minutes go past and finally Sage comes back with Shaun, Laurelle and Tyde. They all greet us and smile.

"Whatcha wanna talk about boys?" Laurelle asks, looking at us both. I go to answer but Troye cuts in, shooting me a quick smile. I nod at him and he explains.

"Just missed you all," He says. They nod and I see Shaun and Laurelle exchange before turning back to the camera.

"Troye," Shaun starts. "Can we talk to Tyler alone for a minute?" I look at Troye and he gives me a questioning look before I nod.

"Uh, I guess," Troye says, staring at the screen. Suddenly he turns to me and whispers, "Text me when you're finished," before standing up. He waves to his family and leaves the room. As soon as the door closes, my heart starts pumping faster and sweat starts to form on my forehead. What would they want to talk about that they couldn't with Troye?


Troye's POV

I walk out of the room after giving a small wave to my family. As soon as I've shut the door, my heart starts beating faster and all the worries about what they could want to talk about alone with Tyler start to create in my head.

I decide to go to the kitchen and grab some food to distract myself from the thoughts, even though Tyler and I had just eaten. I find a box of granola bars and grab out two before walking back to Tyler's closed door. I stand there waiting for about five minutes before my phone buzzes. I take it out and see that I can come back into the room now.

"Hurry up, Troye," Tyler says as I open the door. I rush over to him and sit down in my chair, passing him a granola bar. "Thanks?" He smiles widely before looking back to the computer screen.

"Hey mom, dad, where is Tyde and Sage?" I ask.

"They've stepped out for a minute," my mom says. "Oh, but don't worry, Tyde'll be back when we've finished." I give her a questioning look. "Tyler said you wanted to talk to him."

"Yeah, but anyway," My dad says quickly before I try to answer. "We wanted to tell you two something...well mostly you Troye but anyway..." he trails off and leaves a silence. After about a minute, the curiosity starts to get to me.

"What? Don't just leave me in suspence!" I practically yell, making everyone laugh.

"Okay, sorry," My dad finally says. "Mom and I were talking- and with the approval of Tyler- we've decided that you can live with him."

"You bascially do now, anyway," My mom says. I smile and look at Tyler who nods. "We're going to give you some money to help with the rent for the rest of the year an-" I cut her off.

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