Chapter 12. ~Secret life out~

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Troye's POV

I wake up in my bed, curled up in Tyler's arms. How did I get home last night? We didn't drink so why don't I remember? I start to stir and Tyler's eye fly open; he looks down and smiles at me.

"Good morning, babe." He says, leaning down and kissing my forehead. "How'd you sleep?" I stare at him and its like he's reading my mind because he laughs and says: "You fell asleep on that bench and I took you home."

"Oh, sorry Tilly." I say, blushing.

"It's okay baby, we should get ready so we can hang out with the others today." I nod and go to get up but Tyler pulls me down and kisses my lips tenderly before getting up and leaving me blushing on the bed. "I'm gonna shower first." He says before disappearing into the bathroom.

I get up and change into one of Tyler's sweaters and my black jeans; then I walk out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen where I find Alfie, Connor, Grace, Louise and Darcy sitting at the table, eating pancakes.

"Food!" I say, running over to the table and sitting down in the chair next to Darcy. "Mornin' Darcy."

"Good morning Tr-Troye." She says, giggling.

"Troye, you're finally up!" Zoe rushing into the room and over to me, arms out. "How was last time?" She asks, hugging me.

"Great," I say, letting her go.

She smiles at me and passes a plate over. "I'll get some pancakes for you." She says before walking into the kitchen.

"So, Troye..." Conner starts. "You and Tyler dating or something now?" He asks, loudly, making everyone look up at me. I try and ignore him. "Troye? Stop daydreaming about Ty and answer the question!"

I look up at him coldly. "It's none of your fucking business." Some people gasp and Louise drops her fork. "I'm sorry Darcy, pretend you didn't hear that." I look down at her, her mouth wide open. "Okay, well, yes Tyler and I are dating."

They all cheer and smile, Zoe, Grace, Louise and Alfie chanting: "TROYLER IS REAL!" Everyone is happy, except Connor. His face droops and he looks angry and sad.

"Whatever." I hear him mumble out quietly.

"Where is your boyfriend anyway, Troye?" Alfie asks, looking at me with a grin on his face.

"In the sh-" I start but I'm interrupted by Tyler walking in.

"The queen is right here!" He shouts, smiling at everyone but his eyes stay on me. Grace runs over to him and hugs here. I look back to where Connor was sitting and he's gone. Meh, he's a dick anyway.

After Tyler hugs almost everyone, he walks over and sits next to me.

"Hey, babe." He says, leaning over and kissing my cheek, making everyone cheer and me blush. "You told them." He looks at me with an expression I can't read. Is he angry? Maybe disappointed?

"Yeah, sorry.." I say.

"Why? I'm glad you did." He smiles at me and winks, making me laugh.

"Alright, let's eat our pancakes now, people!" Zoe says, sitting down and putting a plate filled with pancakes on the table. "Dig in!" She laughs and everyone starts grabbing pancakes.

"Where's Connor?" Tyler asks, looking around. No one seems to hear him so I act like them and just eat my pancakes. He grabs my hand. "Troye, I'll be back." He says, squeezing hand before leaving.


Tyler's POV

"Dig in!" Zoe says, laughing.

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