Chapter 16. ~Tyler is PISSED~

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Tyler's POV

*the next morning*

There's only four more days until Troye and I leave England and go to Perth. I bought a plane ticket yesterday and decided that I'll have to tell him today, just in case he doesn't actually want me to go with him.

I wake up and watch Troye sleep; he's so perfect from behind. When he finally rolls over and faces me (still sleeping of course) I gasp. I stare at his cheek, a giant purple bruise is on it. That picture was true then, I think to myself, tears starting to form. I softly touch his cheek and he flinches, waking up.

"Sorry," I say, forcing a small smile onto my face. "Morning, beautiful." I kiss his forehead and he smiles at me weakly. "Troye...I think we need to talk about something." I say, watching his weak smile turn into a scared frown.

"Wh-what about?" He asks nervously.

 "That," I point to his cheek. "Your cheek is bascially purple!" We sit up and tears start forming in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, it makes me uglier, doesn't it?" Tears fall onto his cheeks.

"What? No! You still look as beautiful as always... it's just, how did it happen?" I ask, holding his hand.

At first he hestiates but then he finally explains everything; all the hate, what Connor said and did to him and also that he saw Tyler and Connor kiss.

 "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM!" I yell, running out of the room. I head straight down the stairs and into the living room, passing the kitchen where Zalfie, Grace and Louise are chatting together. They follow me into the living room and as soon as I see Connor I launch myself at him. I push him onto the floor and punch him; I punch him again and again and again until someone finally pulls me back. I glare at them; it's Alfie.

 "What the fuck Tyler?!" Aflie asks, staring at me but all I do is kick at Connor as he rolls around on the floor, holding his face and his nose bleeding.

"HE FUCKING HURT TROYE!" I yell, still kicking out as Alfie drags me out of the room. "I HATE YOU CONNOR!" I yell, watching him lie there crying. 

 I'm dragged into Zoe's room and pushed onto a chair. Alfie stares down at me. "Seriously, what the fuck happened?" He asks, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I shake my head and still feel the urge to punch Connor but ignore it enough to talk. "He hurt Troye, he deserved it." I whine, sounding like a child. I go to say more but Troye runs in.

"What the fuck Tyler?!" He asks, running over to me.


 Troye's POV

I run into Zoe's room and see Tyler sitting in a chair next to the bed where Alfie's sitting. "What the fuck Tyler?!" I ask, running over to him; his knuckles are starting to go purple. "I told you not to hurt him!" I yell, furious that he didn't listen.

"I'm sorry but he deserved it!" Tyler yells back, a little quieter than me.

"Sorry to intrude on your little argurement but why exactly did you attack Connor?" Alfie asks, looking at Tyler. Tyler sighs and looks at me.

"Connor, urgh..." I start, thinking of how to tell him. "Connor may have punched me a few times, in the face and stomach." I stare at Alfie, tears forming in my eyes as I replay the events in my head.

"Oh Troye, why?" Alfie wraps his arms around me and the tears fall onto him.

"Because he is a douche and is jealous that Troye and I are dating." Tyler says, walking over to us.

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