Chapter 24. ~Elizabeth In Trouble PART 1~

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Tyler's POV

I wake up at five in the morning, a trembling, crying mess of Troye sleeping in my arms. Not another nightmare! What is he going to do when I'm gone in two hours?!

I tighten my grip and pull him closer, trying to sooth him as he mumbles out the same things as every other night: "Tyler, no!", "Please stop, Tyler!" and other things in fear against me. I'm so curious to know why he says my name in his sleep and what I'm doing that makes him so terrified. But I know I can't ask him anytime soon because I'll be in America soon and he'll be here.

"Tyler?" I hear a quiet knock and voice at the door. I unwrap my arms carefully and go to the door. "Oh good, you're awake." Says Shaun once I've opened the door. "We've got to leave in ten minutes if you don't want to be late." I nod and he walks away, smiling slightly at me.

I yawn and walk back to the bed, sitting down on the end and putting on my shoes. I decide not to wake up Troye to say goodbye since we already said it last time before falling asleep. I stand and go to his desk, grabbing a pen and paper and writing a quick note on it before grabbing my stuff. I kiss Troye's forehead softly and tuck him in before leaving his room; glancing back one last time and whispering, "I love you."

The ride to the airport, Shaun asks a couple of questions that he was probably dying to know but other than that he stays quiet, probably realizing that I don't want to talk at this early in the morning. When we arrive he helps me with my bags and walks with me as far as he can.

"Okay Tyler," he says once we're at the security gate which he can't pass without a ticket.

"Thanks so much for letting me stay at your house for the week," I say, knowing he doesn't know what to say; which makes me mentally laugh in my head.

"Anytime Tyler. Literally, anytime you want to come visit, just come other and you can. You're welcome anytime." He smiles and I smile back. "Oh and by the way, I'll be looking toward to calling you son-in-law quite soon, yeah?" He laughs and I just nod. An announcement comes on, says that my flight is boarding soon so Shaun and I hug awkwardly before I walk through and go to the boarding area.

The flight is boring, there's no wifi and only old, lame movies to watch. I'm sat next to a toddler who's being really loud and the mother is not doing anything about her! All I wish for is to be back in Troye's warm, cozy bed with him in my arms, all cuddle together. The thoughts help me to fall asleep and I don't wake up until there's two hours left of my fourteen hour flight.

I look down at my watch and see that it's 9PM in Perth, hopefully Troye has had a great day without me.


Troye's POV

I wake up in an empty bed, Tyler left me. My heart clenches; I'm alone now. I reach for my phone and it starts ringing, I pick it up and the line goes dead before I have a chance to answer. Whatever, I think to myself. I check the time and see that it's already 2 in the afternoon and also the fact that I've missed 5 calls and have three voice messages.

I basically leap out of bed and rush to the shower, jumping in and cleaning myself too quickly to be able to enjoy the hot water on my cold body. Showering is so much more fun with Tyler.

When I'm finished I dry myself and change, then I blow dry my hair and style it quickly before rushing out the door.

"Troye!" Sage says, making me jump.

"Don't do that! You scared the frick outta me," I exclaim, running a hand through my hair.

"Whatever, Liz called before and said it was important but also that it was nothing...I don't understand but she said you would. Oh, and not to bother you if you're busy." She smiles and I stare at her. Something's wrong with Elizabeth, I wonder what happened. The missed calls from a blocked number, the voicemails, maybe it was her! "Troye?" Sage clickes her fingers in front of my face and I shake my head.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Yeah okay, Elizabeth. Got it." I say, hugging her. "Thanks sis, gotta go see if she's okay. Love you!" I rush to my room and put my shoes on, then I go on my phone and see my voicemails. I click the first one and start listening while I walk through the house.

"Hey Troye, sorry if I'm bothering you, just wanted to chat since Tyler is gone and you told me how you'd be lonely without him. We don't have to it's okay, just a thought. Sorry, forget I said anything." The first one finishes, it's from Elizabeth. But why is she using a blocked number? I click the second one and listen while I walk to my car.

"Troye, I'm sorry to bother you again...bu..but...I think there's these guys from my school following me...I..I don't know, I'm probably just paranoid. Don't worry. Call me maybe? If you're not busy. Bye." I groan, no. I can't believe that anyone would want to care her like that, she's so beautiful and nice. I get in the car.

"Troye, I'm scared, they are following me! They called out my name a few times. I'm so scared, they're the ones that hurt me. Please, Troye, I need you. Oh my god, they're running over to me, they're chasing me! I'm at the b-" She stops and I hear her scream. I end the message and look at when it was sent. 13 minutes ago. I start the car and drive off to the beach, assuming that's where she is. I dial her number and wait, hoping, wishing, for an answer.

"Hello?" A man picks up.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I ask, my voice shaky and weak.

"She went for a walk about half an hour ago, why? Who's this?" The man asks.

"She..I'm..I'm Troye, her friend. Why do you have her phone? Where did she go for the walk?" He man coughs and is silent for a while. "Please, I'm worried about her. I missed a couple calls and she left curious voicemails."

The man sighs and finally replies. "She took my phone by accident. She went to the beach, the one near our house, I don't know the name of it, ne-" I cut him off.

"Thank you, that's all I need to know. Bye.." I go to hang up but then remember. "Wait, who are you? Like her brother or something? Oh, and what's your number so I can call her?"

"The name's Josh," He says, sounding proud, then he tells me his number and I repeat it to him to double check I know it.

"Okay, well, thank you Josh and nice talking to you. Bye." I hang up and park the car in the beach parking lot. I sit there for a second, deciding to call Josh's phone.

"H-hel-hello?" A weak, studdering voice answers after what feels like the hundredth ring.

"Elizabeth? It's me, Troye." I say, getting out of my car and walking onto the beach. "Where are you? I'm at the beach."

"H-hiding, th-they're here. I'm-I'm scared. They h-hurt me, ba-badly." She sniffles quietly.

"Where though, I'm going to come get you. You just have to tell me whereabouts you are. Can you do that?" Please know, please!

", I'm behind the toi-toilet block, hi-hiding inbetween the b-bushes. H-hurry." She studders out before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and bolt towards the toilet block, which is on the opposite side of the beach.


A/N: sorry that this is a cliffhanger, if I write the continuation of this chapter here, then it'll become too long and I don't have the time. So just wait for part 2!

Hope you like part 1. Byeeeee! (:

P.S. I am so sorry; I did upload this yesterday but was private. Sorry. So basically there'll be two uploads today, part 1 and 2!!! YAY haha okay byeeeeee for real now.

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