Chapter 3. ~London~

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Tyler's POV

At the start of our flight to London, Zoe swapped seats with me, I'm now sitting next to the sleeping Mr Troye Sivan. We'd been talking for ages before I told him to go to sleep about an hour ago. He looks so adorable, I think, watching him turn in his sleep, facing me with closed eyes; I wrap my arm around him and lean my head on his, deciding I should sleep now too.

I sleep for at least half an hour before I'm woken up by Alfie telling me we're going to land in 10 minutes. I look at Troye, noticing his arms around me; I smile and try to pack up my stuff without disturbing Troye. Alfie looks at me struggling and decides to help.

"Thanks," I say quietly when everything's in my bag.

"It's nothing," he smiles at me and then looks down at Troye. "You should probably wake him up now." I nod and look at Troye. Why does he look so damn cute! Such a twink!

"Troyyyeee," I whisper in his ear. "Babe wake up." Troye starts to stir and finally I watch his eyes slowly open.

He stretches and yawns. "I was in the middle of an awesome dream!" He pouts at me and all I can do is laugh back. "Meany."

"I'm not mean, I had to wake you up," I say, still laughing at how he's pouting at me. "We're landing in like a few minutes." I explain and he shakes him head. "We are, whether you want to or not! Oh, and you should be thanking me for letting you sleep for so long, I could've woken you up twenty minutes ago if I wanted to!"

He leaning over and kisses my cheek, "Thank you, Tilly." I blush and he giggles. I hardly ever blush only around people like Troye. "Will you help me pack these things up?"

"Sure." After I help Troye pack his things into his black backpack, we sit and wait for the plane to land completely before we get off, grab our luggage and head off to the Zalfie house.

When we finally arrive Zoe stops us from going inside. "We need to work out who's staying in which rooms." Everyone picks a room, except Troye who just stands there looking lost. Zoe walks over to him and asks who's room he wants to stay in.

I rush over and almost yell in excitement, "He can stay in my room!" It's decided, Troye is sharing a room with me again, but this time we're sharing the bed too. I can't wait to sleep next to him, I think to myself, smiling at Troye. Alfie tells everyone that we should go rest before saying, "Meet in the living room at seven if you all wanna eat dinner with us!"

I lead Troye to the room I chose and we walk in. The room is quite large with a king size double bed and small desk area, there's also a little couch against one wall and an ensuite. "This reminds me of a hotel room," I say, walking around the room.

"Only thing missing is a tv and mini-fridge." Troye replies. "Ayyy." He says pointing to a very well-hidden mini-fridge. I laugh and then watch him go and sit on the giant bed. Oh my gosh, he looks so small and cute. He looks up and sees me staring at him. "Come," He pats at the bed next to him. "Sit."

I walk over and sit down, "Troye.." I say. I don't want to do or say anything that'll hurt our relationship since we've just started getting close again so I lean in closer to him and am about to tell him this when suddenly, his lips are pushed into mine, kissing me desperately. He's so desperate! Aww. how cute, I think, kissing him back. He kisses me a little too roughly, making my lip start to bleed.

A few seconds later he pulls away and moves backwards; trying to create a distance between us. "Sorry, I'm sorry.." He says. I shake my head at him and pull him back to me, telling him it's alright. We kiss again, this time more gently, and more passionately. I lie down and pull Troye with me, still kissing him softly on the lips.

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