Chapter 42. ~Making Up~

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Tyler's POV

As soon as Troye slammed the door shut behind his running self, tears fell down my cheeks. I fall to the ground and cry. How could I have been so stupid!? I just yelled at Troye for crying over his dead bestfriend. I am the worst boyfriend ever!

I stay on the ground for about twenty minutes before I finally stand. I go and sit on the couch, deciding to give Troye some space.

I fall asleep and wake up an hour later, grabbing my phone and see that's it's 9PM already and remember the fact that Troye is out in L.A in the night, by himself and hasn't eaten anything for the last 8 hours.

I grab my keys from the table and walk out of the house, dialing Troye's number as soon as the door's locked. It rings three times before beeping. He fucking declined. I decide to ring him again. Same thing happens so I get into the car and wait two minutes before calling three more times. The third time he finally picks up.

"Fuck off, Tyler," He says, his voice shaky and filled with anger. The words are hurtful but I decide to shake them for, Troye is alone in Califoria, I am not leaving him to get murdered, raped or whatever.

"No, where are you?" I ask, praying that he'll tell me; it's not like he can really stay mad at me for too long. "I want to talk, please Troye! Aren't you hungry and cold? Let me come and get you." I let the pleading, scared voice out of my body, sounding like a mother.

"I said fuck off," He hangs up and tears stream down my face again. He can't be serious that he wants to stay out there starving and freezing. I shake my head and punch the steering wheel, I am seriously such a fucking idiot! *Ding* My phone goes off and I look down at it.

'From Troyebabe<3: On a bench near the 'Cafe de Rive' idk where.' I hold back a smile and start driving to where my Troye is. Yes, he is mine like I am his. As soon as I pull up in front of the closed cafe, I run to Troye and grab him into my arms.

"I was so worried," I say as he pushes his head into my chest, letting out a small sob. My top starts to soak with his warm tears and I sit down with him on the bench.

"I thought you were going to leave me out here," He says throughout his cries. I pull him closer and sigh.

"I'm sorry, I was giving you some space to calm down," I explain. I pull him out of my arms and stare into his eyes. "Look Troye, I meant some of what I said but I'm sorry. How I said it was the worst. I was being a douche and I don't even know why. I am so sorry, babe. I love you and I know how hard it's been on you, losing Li-Elizabeth. I shouldn't have said anything but hugged you and I didn't. Can you forgive me?" He looks away and I let him go.

"I...I don't know. I-I, you just don't know what I saw," He stutters. I open my arms again and he falls into me.

"Tell me about it when we get home?" I ask and he nods. "Let's go then, you're freezing." We get up and walk back to the car. I know he hasn't fully forgiven me but it's nice to know that he doesn't hate me. "Want to get some food on the way or I make something at home?"

"Can we get Maccas?" He asks and I look at him stunned. What is Maccas again...? Oh yeah!

"McDonalds it is then," I say, giving him a quick wink before driving to the nearest one with a drive through. As soon as we've ordered and gotten our food, I drive us home. Home is where we need to go and I know that Troye probably wants to go back to his real home, Perth, soon.

"Thank you...for coming to get me," Troye says quietly as we pull up in the driveway. "I'm sorry I just ran away like that."

"Troye," I start. "It is completely fine, okay? I understand you needed some space and I gave it to you. There's no need for you to apologize when you did nothing wrong." He nods and we get out of the car. I grab Troye's hand as we walk into my apartment, and lead him to the couch where we sit down.

I open the bag of food and hand him his burger. "Thanks," He mumbles as he unwraps the food. I watch him take quick bites into it, making me laugh.

"Slow down there," I say, starting to unwrap my own. "If you're not careful, you'll choke." He puts the food down and grabs the drink, sipping it quickly and ignoring me. I smile it off and start eating my food.


Troye's POV

I was so glad to be back in the warmth of Tyler's apartment, and this food the I'm eating fills my hungry stomach. I ignore all of Tyler's protests for me to slow down and continue to madly eat the burger, fries and drink the coke. When I'm finally finished my food, I glance at Tyler and see him only half way through his burger.

"I'll go back," I say, going to stand but stopped by Tyler's hand on my arm.

"Where?" He asks, worriedly. I laugh at how worried he is. Seriously, where does he think I'm going to go? Back to Perth or something? I couldn't do that do him because I know he never meant to hurt my feeling when he said all that stuff about Elizabeth. He was just telling the truth.

"To the bathroom and then to grab my laptop," I answer, smiling. "Am I allowed to do that, mom?"

"Whatever," He scoffs, holding back his smile. "Go on, I'll probably be finished eating by then, so we can talk then." I nod and leave the room, heading straight to the bathroom.

As soon as the door is shut, I pull up my sleeve and look at the cuts I had made earlier. They look infected so I decide to open the cupboard and search for something to clean them with. When I finally find some disinfectant, I pour it over the cuts.

Even though I thought the cuts were scabbed over, the disinfectant still burns them. I hold in a cry and put the bottle back where I found it.

I leave the bathroom, knowing that Tyler will become suspicious if I take too long. I rush into his room, grab my laptop and walk back into the living room.

"I missed you," Tyler says once I'm sitting next to him. I look at him and realize something. He's been there for me for so many problems in my life but I haven't been there for many of his.

"I missed you too," I quietly reply. There's a long silence before I speak again. "Ty, I think you need to see something." I open my laptop and load the hate post and the two videos.

I hand him the laptop with the paragraph open first. I watch him read it and see his face fall and he starts to fight back tears.

"Babe," he manages to say without crying. I shake my head and click on the tab with the first video. It starts and I block my ears, not wanting to hear another word of that video.

As soon as the first video ends, I click the second one; ignoring Tyler's protests and pressing start. I block my ears again and watch Tyler. Tears stream out of his eyes and when the video ends, he turns to me and wraps his arms around me.

I hold in my tears. I've cried once today, I am not crying again. Tyler cries though, soaking my jumper in warm tears.

"I didn't know," Tyler says as he pulls away from me. I don't let him get too far before pulling him back into my arms.

"I know you didn't," I exclaim. "That's why I forgive you. You didn't know the truth and now you do. Now you know exactly why it pains me when something talk about, or even when I think about, Elizabeth."

"Baby, I understand," Tyler says, reaching up and kissing my cheek. "You're actually rather strong." A small, tiny blush flushes across my face.

"I love you, Tilly," I kiss his lips softly and stare into his eyes when I pull away, seeing the lust and happiness that appear in them.

"I love you too, Troye," He replies, kissing me back. We don't kiss for long before Tyler pulls away, giving me a worrying look. "I just remembered..." He trails off and looks away.

"What?" I ask, grabbing his chin and turning him to face me.

"The video said Tyde's it your Tyde, do you think?" The memory of the name in the video rushing into my head and all happiness I felt from kissing Tyler, disappears.

"I don't know...but there's one way to find out," I say and Tyler nods.


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