Chapter 37. ~Chill Quiet Day~

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Tyler's POV

After standing infront of the bathroom door and listening to Troye crying, I knew I had to get in there before he did something to himself. I walk upstairs and into the living room, luckily Shaun is still up.

"Tyler," He says when he sees me. He stand up and stretches an arm before talking again. "It's two in the morning, you should be sleeping, you must be exhausted." He's such a parent, I think to myself.

"Yeah I know," I reply, walking over to him. "But Troye woke up from a nightmare and got really angry at me so he locked himself in the bathroom and is crying and I was wondering if you have a key so I can go in there?" I blurt out really fast.

"I-um, yeah I do, I'll go get it..." he trails off before leaving the room.

I stand there and wait, thinking about what Troye was saying when he woke up. He's right, I lied to him, I blink away tears. How could I have done that to him? Tell him that we'd make it to Liv when I knew we wouldn't. I promised we'd save her and now she's dead.

"Here," Shaun walks back in and hands me a key. I hug him awkwardly and mutter a thanks before rushing back to the bathroom downstairs. As soon as I get there, I stick the key in and unlock the door. At first I hesitate but eventuallyI walk in.

"TROYE!" I yell when I see him standing infront of the mirror, a blade in his hand and his wrist exposed with a cut already made. "DON'T YOU DARE!" I run over to him and grab the blade from his hand, throwing it across the room.

"B-but I need to!" He retorts, moving past me to retrieve it. I grab his arm and stop him. "Let me go." He tries to pull himself from my grip.

"No," I say. He turns around and glares at me; I look into his eyes and see the innocent, beautiful blue I fell in love with. I let him go and he falls on the, grabbing the blade. "If you want to cut something, then cut me." I pull up my sleeve and hold out my wrist.

"What? No," Troye says, shaking his head.

"Why not, it'd hurt less than seeing you cut yourself," I say. He looks up at me and his eyes overflow with eyes.

"I-I'm sorry," He says, throwing the blade and then clutching onto my legs. I pull him up and hold him tightly in my arms.

"I know losing Liv hu-" He cuts me off.

"Elizabeth," He corrects me and I nod.

"Yes, okay so, losing Elizabeth hurts, and you think it's your fault, but Troye, you're wrong. You're heart-broken, and I understand that, but you need to know that you helped her and you were there for her but she was too broken for you to fix on your own. Maybe things could have eneded differently but they didn't. Elizabeth didn't want you to get hurt, of course she wouldn't have wanted that, but you did, and even though you did, I'm sure Elizabeth wouldn't want you to hurt yourself, she wouldn't want you to end up the same way she did." I stop talking and wonder if any of that made sense. Tears threaten to fall and I let them.

"I-I love y-you, Tilly," Troye stutters throughout his sobs. I tighten my grip and walk with him back to his room before getting into bed.

*11 hours later*

After falling asleep with Troye in my arms, I'm surprised to wake up in his. I grab my phone and see that it's already 1:47PM. I carefully unwrap myself from Troye's hold and grab some clothes, deciding to take a shower by myself.

During my shower, I sing and hear laughing at the door before someone knocks on it.

"Tilly?" Troye calls out. "I'm coming in." He walks in and I open the shower door a bit to look at him.

Troyler- A Real Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें