Chapter 13. ~Punch~

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Tyler's POV

"I'm sorry Connor but I should go." I say, hugging him tightly one last time before walking out. I walk past the main bathroom and decide to walk in, not wanting to risk facing Troye after having basically making out with Connor.

Should I tell Troye? I ask myself, looking in the mirror. What if he hates me afterwards? No, he wouldn't, and anyway, he's my boyfriend, he deserves to know, even if it was only two kisses that didn't mean anything to me.

I splash water onto my face, trying to rid my mouth of the feeling that Connor left on them. When the tingling finally goes away, I walk out and down the hall, towards my room; I watch as Troye walks out, looks at me and then runs down the stairs. What just happened? I follow him down, chasing after him until he stops in the living room, no one else there.

I walk in slowly. "Troye? What's wrong?" I ask. He turns around and stares coldly at me; his light blue eyes now looking a shade darker and there's a faint redness in them.

"Nothing." He says, trying too hard to hide the saddness in his voice.

"Troye, don't do this again. Please, just talk to me!" I walk over to him and he takes a step backwards. I sigh. "Please?" I beg, and he finally takes a step towards me. "Do you wanna sit?" I ask and he nods, sitting down on the big couch.

"Everyone's been ignoring me lately.." He begins and I start to reach for his hand but he pulls it away. "I don't know what I did to them but they just wouldn't talk to me when you left before." He looks down and I can't help but wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him to me.

"It's okay, Troye. I'm sure they were just too busy in different conversations to notice you, like what I do sometimes. It's not ignoring, it's just like too into something that everything else is blocked out." He nods and tears come down his cheeks. "It's okay babe, don't worry." I hug him and he slides his arms around my waist, snuggling his head into my chest. "I love you." I whisper to him.

He doesn't reply, just snuggles closer and tightens his hug.

*Three hours later*

An hour ago Zoe decided that we all need to hang out together, seeing that it's Zoe's birthday tomorrow, we all agree to just go to the cinema and watch something together so we can spoil Zoe tomorrow.

Only Zalfie, Troye, Connor, Grace, Tanya, Jim, Louise, Darcy and I agreed to go so we only needed to bring two cars. When we finally got to the movies, we all wanted to watch different ones so now we're spilt up into two groups. 

I walk with Darcy, Troye, Tanya and Louise, to the ticket lady. We're going to see 'Cinderella' (this actually comes out on March 13) and the others are going to see 'Get Hard'. We into the darken room and find our seats. I end up sitting next to Troye and Darcy.

After the movie we walk to a cafe right outside the cinema. Louise texts Zoe telling her where we are and then we sit down and order our beverages.

"How'd everyone like the movie?" Tanya asks, smiling at everyone.

"It was..interesting." I say, looking across the table at Troye. He stares down at the floor and lets down his guard for a second; allowing me to see how much pain is in his eyes. I decide to lean my foot against him making him look up; I smile. "How'd you like it, Troye?"

"It was good," He says, giving me a tiny smile before looking away. Something is definetly wrong with him.

I stare at him while the others talk, only looking away to reply to someone. He right about everyone ignoring him. Every time Troye opens his mouth to talk, Connor or Grace will quickly say something, interupting Troye. Why? I ask myself, studying the problem more.

Finally the other group arrives, more people to ignore Troye. I start to feel sad for him, knowing how he feels so I decide to start up a conversation with Connor and him.

"Soo Connor, what was your favourite part in the movie?" I ask, noticing how Troye's face goes from being sad, to angry.

"I don't know, all of it was good to be honest." He says, smiling at me. I nod and look at Troye who's staring at me codly.

"How about you, Troye? What was your favourite part?" I smile at him and lust flickers into his eyes.


Troye's POV

"Soo Connor, what was your favourite part in the movie?" Tyler asks, gazing at Connor. They've been flirting all day, even when we were watching the movie; I saw Connor sat behind Tyler and kept playing with his hair.

"I don't know, all of it was good to be honest." Connor says, smiling dumbly at Tyler. God, could they just stop looking at each other like that!? I stare at Tyler coldly, hating how jealous I feel.

"How about you, Troye? What was your favourite part?" Tyler smiles at me brightly, sending warmth into my jealous, cold heart. I can't help but smile back.

"What was your favourite part?" I ask, deciding it's best to act like myself and joke around.

He frowns at me. "I asked first!" I laugh, he sounds like a little kid. "You're just gonna copy my answer, aren't you?" I shrug and smirk. He knows my plan. "No, I'm not letting that happen! You answer first." He demands, his eyes quickly glance at Connor and he smile. I look at Connor too and see how confused he looks.

"But you'll do the same thing with my answer now!" We laugh and continue talking like that together until finally Zoe suggests we go home.

When we finally get back it's 7:30pm, we're all hungry and tired. Zalfie, Marcus, Casper, Joe and Louise decide to go get take away food for us all so after we tell them what we want, they leave. Tyler, Connor and I stay downstairs while everyone else goes up, either to shower or just to chill in their rooms.

I sit on the couch and Tyler sits next to me, taking up al the space, forcing Connor to sit on the other couch. I let out a sigh of relief and Tyler smiles at me. I smile back and we all go on our phones. After a while of silence, Tyler stands.

"I'm gonna go upstairs real quick, so you'll have to entertain each other." He says, winking at me.

"Well I think I'll go for a quick walk instead." I say and he nods before leaving. I watch him walk up the stairs; then I go to stand but am pushed back down.

"Break up with Tyler," Connor says, standing in front of me.

"What the fuck Connor?!" I push him out of the way and try to stand again but he pushes me down again.

"I said, break up with Tyler. You know, like, dump him." He says, staring at me fircely.

"No, why should I? So you can date him and treat him like shit? You don't deserve him, you lost your chance so deal!" I retort. Connor snorts and punches me in the face; making me fall into the couch, holding my cheek. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I shout.

"Realize this, Troye, I will get Tyler, and if I need to make him hate you, then I will. And if you say a single thing about this conversation we've had, then I will not hesitate to tell eveyone what happened last year between us, and remind Tyler about what you did to him." I stare at him bluntly- in shock. "You should probably go for your walk now." He moves and lets me finally get up.

What the fuck, I think to myself, walking out of the house. Why is he doing this to me?! I walk down the short street and turn the corner, flinching as the cold wind touches me face. I put my hand on my throbbing cheek and continue walking.

What am I going to tell people if there's a bruise? Maybe I can just pretend someone punched me while I was on this walk.


A/N: I hope you like this little drama/fight scence. I'm sorry if I seem to hate on Connor, don't worry, I don't really hate him, I just find him perfect for this part in the story.

I'm going to try and finish the story soon, maybe 10 more chapters? I don't know, it's just a thought for now. byeeeee

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