Chapter 27. ~Hard Times Without You~

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Tyler's POV

As soon as I heard my phone ring, I knew it was Troye. I waited for it to ring twice before excitement washed over me and I had to answer it.

"BABE!" I answer, sounding way too excited. I walk over and sit on my bed, getting comfortable as I wait for a reply.

"T-Tilly?" He says, sounding weak and his voice shaky. I gasp and my eyes widen; what have I missed?

"Troye, what's wrong, babe?" I ask, listening impatiently for him to talk.

"I-I'm, Tyler, I miss you and I-I need to thank you for always being there and helping me. I didn't know how draining it was to care b-but now I've experienced how tiring it is an-" He stops and I hear him sob on the other end. My heart clenches at his sobs.

"Oh my baby," I say, my voice shaky now too. I hate when I Troye cries, it makes me want to cry; espeically when I'm not with him to comfort him. "Tell me what happened." The line is silent for a bit until Troye clears his throat.

"I'm sorry," He says and I go to talk but he continues. "Elizabeth...well, something happened and I-I had to go get she's asleep in my bed and..and...I wish you were here to help!" He stops and starts crying again.

"Troye, it's okay. I wish I could be there but I can't. You know I would if I could, I'd board a plane straight away if I could. Just..." I stop to think of what advice I can give him. "Babe, it may be draining to care for someone you love but you'll see, she'll get better in no time and that'll make you get better." I hear him sigh.

"Wh-what do yo-you mean?" He stutters out.

"Well I know that you're still going through hard times and basically, seeing Elizabeth get better will help show you that you can get better too." I explain and then I hear the phone start shaking. He's shaking and crying, oh god why can't I be there with him? "Troye?"

"Ye-yeah Tilly?" His voice sounds weaker and soft. I gasp, did he cut? He could be weak and shaky from blood loss. "Ty?" He asks, stopping me from having more thoughts about what could happen as long as I'm away from him.

"Baby, I love you, alright? Never ever forget that, even if someone online says anything different, or you think something different to that just because I'm not there with you. Just remember that I care. You're perfect and..and.." I stop, holding back tears as I hear him sniffle.

"Tilly? I love you too." He says simply. "I..I need to tell you something...I um..might have...c-" Troye stops talking and I hear banging in the background. "Sorry, I've gotta bye. Love you so so much!" He makes a kissing noise and hangs up before I have time to reply. Was he about to tell me that he cut today? I shake my and sigh, even if he was, I couldn't be there to clean his wounds.

Tears fall down my cheek as I imagine Troye sitting in his bathroom, bleeding everywhere. He's alone, even if Elizabeth is there; she's can't help him much if she's broken herself. I lie down on my bed and cry myself to sleep, still thinking about how broken Troye and Elizabeth are.

*Four hours later*

I wake up starving, my throat hurting and my pillows soaked with tears. I had had a nightmare about Troye killing himself and that's basically the reason I woke up. I look down at my watch and see that it's already 3:24PM.

I jump out of bed and grab my phone, putting it in my pocket then walking to kitchen. I open the fridge and see that it's empty, so is my cupboard. I sigh and grab my house phone, deciding to just order some Pizza because I'm too lazy to go shopping.

I dial the pizza shop and order; then I grab my laptop from my room, put a movie on the t.v and sit on the couch. I open Twitter and my dash fills with hate posts and edits of Troye; anger rushes through me as I read some tweets. Why the FUCK does anyone think they can hate on anyone else!? I try to scroll past the hate but then something catches my eye; a tweet that tags Troye and me.

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