Chapter 34. ~Didn't See It Coming~

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Troye's POV

*Three Days Later*

I wake up snuggled tightly in Tyler's arms. I didn't have a nightmare. It's been ages since I haven't had a nightmare. I smile for a while until Elizabeth pops into my head

Two days ago she called and was really upset but luckily I helped her. I could tell she'd cut herself so I sent her to Sage. I was so relieved when Sage called back and told me Elizabeth actually went to her. I smile again. My sister is the best.

Tyler's eyes flutter open, drawing me away from my thoughts.

"Tr-Troye..." Tyler groans out in his sexy half-asleep voice.

"Ti-Tilly..." I mock him and he gives me a short glare before kissing my nose.

"You're so adorable, especially when you wake up with hair like that," Tyler says, laughing. "Have you seen it! Oh my god it's hilarious."

"Well have you seen yours! Wow, like have you heard about hairbrushes?!" I laugh back, trying to copy his tone. He pulls me closer to him.

"You're mean," he laughs. I wriggle out of his arms and jump up.

"Let's do something today!" I suggest, smiling down at his pouting face. "Like swim or..or.." I stop and think about other things to do.

"It's meant to be hot today so swimming sounds good," Tyler says, a smile spreading across his face. "There's a pool behind here, not many people know about it..." He winks and I jump onto him.

"What're we waiting for then?" I ask, kissing him quickly before getting off and walking over to my suitcase.

"We need to have some breakfast first though, babe." Tyler reminds me. I nod and grab some swimming trucks before throwing them on the bed and walking out of the room; Tyler following.

When we get to the kitchen I go straight to the cupboard, grabbing the Nutella and bread.

"No, I'm making you breakfast today," Tyler says, taking the stuff from my hands and putting it back.

"But..but Nutellaa!" I whine, frowning at him.

"I know the baby wants his Nutella but it isn't healthy," Tyler explains; laughing when he sees my glare. "Go watch t.v. or go on Tumblr." He waves me away and I do as I'm told, dragging my feet as I walk into the living room.

I sit on the big couch and turn the t.v on. Too lazy to go get my laptop, I pull out my phone. I open tumblr and scroll through, too happy to read any hate.

After about five Tumblr minutes (really about thirty minutes), Tyler walks in and announces that breakfast is ready. I get up and follow him into the dining room.

I sit down and stare at the perfectly prepared food in front of me. He made everything; toast, eggs, waffles, fresh orange juice, there's even muffins and coffee.

"Wow, Tilly, you went all out!" I laugh and he nods.

"Anything for someone I love," he replies, a smile on his face and I blush.

We start eating and talking; deciding to go for a walk before the pools before we have to digest our food first.

When we finish eating, Tyler cleans up while I sit on Tumblr again. Once he's ready, we leave.

"Troye.." Tyler trails off, finally talking after about five minutes of silence.

"Yeah, Tilly?" I ask, looking over at him to see a worried look on his face. My stomach twists and I start feeling sick as worry floods through me. What's he going to ask?

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