Chapter 2. ~Flirt~

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Tyler's POV

*Two days later*

I wake up with a massive headache. I'm fucking hung over! Last night was my 26th birthday so of course I drank, I just didn't know how much.

I turn over and see Troye sleeping in his king size bed next to me, his blankets moving slightly with his breaths; so peaceful and cute. I grab my phone and see I have heaps of messages and a few missed calls, I also notice how early it is. Who the fuck would be awake at 8 in the fucking morning! I sigh and lay back down, deciding I should a least try and fall back asleep.

Just as I close my eyes, I hear Troye whisper: "Tilly? You awake?" He must have seen my eyes closing so he knows I'm awake, I can't lie to him. I turn and face him, groaning. He smiles at me.

I propped myself up with my arm and lean on it, and just stare into his perfect blue eys. Oh Troye, I think to myself. That smile is like a God's! So fucking adorable, I want to kiss him so badly! Maybe I can...

"Tyler?" Troye's voice pulls me from my thoughts and I blush, embarrassed for being caught staring dumbly at him. He sits up and looks at me questionly. "You should probably go back to sleep, you drank a lot yesterday." I nod slowly and just keep watching him. He gets up and go into the bathroom; I pout, not being able to see him.

"Troye?" I call out a few minutes later and he walks out, wearing a different outfit. "Oh, so you were afraid to change infront of me, that's why you left, huh? You don't want me to see your body, gosh, it can't look that bad." I regret saying that when I see Troye's face drop and watch him rush into the bathroom. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Troye!" I jump out of bed and to the closed bathroom door.

I've known for years that Troye struggled with eating disorders. And he'd always been inscure about letting people see his body, especially boys. I knock on the door, apologizing and telling him that I'm still drunk, I stand there for ages before I finally hear the click of the door unlocking.

I run a hand through my lavender hair and then open the door to see Troye sitting on the edge of the bathtub. I walk over and sit next to him, sliding my arms around his shoulders; he slides his arms around my waist and we sit there for a while, just hugging.

"I'm sorry," he says, looking at the floor.

I start to rub his back with one arm while squeezing him tighter with the other. "I'm the one who should be sorry, and I am. I'm so, so, so sorry. Don't ever believe what I say when I've just woken up and I'm pretty sure I'm still drunk!" I laugh and see him smile. I kiss him on the forehead before telling him to have a shower. He nods and I leave him still sitting there.


Troye's POV

Man do I blush a lot. I was just walking through the hallway outside the hotel room, thinking about life and waiting for Tyler when I remembered Tyler kissed me on my forehead. The thought made me blush and when I rememebered why he did it I blushed even more, from the embarrassment of my angry towards him.

Anyway, I blushed so much that Tyler walked out and started laughing hysterically at my red face. Now, even though it's been like ten minutes since that happened, I'm still blushing a bit.

"You're so cute, Troye," Tyler says, trying to hold in his laugh when I start blushing again.

"Tyler, stop! I'm going to be permanently red soon!" I push him, trying to make him stop laughing.

"Sorry," He says but I keep pushing him. "I'm sorry! Really." He finally stops laughing and puts on a serious face. "Now hurry up or we'll be late for breakfast." I smile at how the end of 'breakfast' his voice went high pitched. Man does Ty loove food.

Everyone else is already at the table waiting for us because Tyler had texted them that we were on our way down.

Tyler and I sit down in the empty spot in the booth part of the table- which was left just for us. We make the table complete, with the order of people going: Zoe, Louise, Gaby, Naomi, Tanya, Jim, Joe, Caspar, Alfie, Marcus, Tyler and then me. Four (Marcus, Tyler, Zoe and I) on the booth couch and the rest in normal chairs.

After everyone orders and is chatting with everyone, Tyler knocks me with his foot, I knock him back. He looks at me and gives me a challenging smile. We then begin a foot war under the table; no one seems to notice so we continue, exchanging smiles and giggles between each other.

Five minutes or so pass and finally the waitress arrives at our table with food. Tyler whispers, "We'll finish this later." Before kicking my foot one last time. I nod and we smile at each other.

I look around and notice Zoe staring at me, she winks at me and I blush. "What?" I ask, getting embarrassed because she's sitting right next to me and could probably see what Tyler and I were doing.

She giggles at my serious tone. "You and Tyler were playing a foot war."

I stare back at her, not kneeing what to say. Tyler and I had told all our friends last year that Troyler wasn't real and that we didn't like each other that way. We had been through a major fight when we said it but it wasn't really a lie. Tyler and I never dated, I didn't and still don't know if he likes me the same way. After the fight he had been trying hard to keep his distance, but this year he's been acting a little different- more flirty towards me.

"Troye?" Zoe's voice snaps me back into reality. "Who won?"

I stare back at her, blankly. "Who won what?"

She laughs. "The foot war between you and Tyler, silly!"

"Ohhh," I say, red with embarrassment. "No one...yet." I quickly glance at Tyler and notice him smile slightly before returning to eat his food. Tyler loves to eavesdrop, especially if the people are talking about him.

The waitress puts my plate down and I start eating it before Zoe can say anything.

While everyone's eating Tyler puts his hand under the table and puts his hand on top of mine. I look at him briefly but don't say anything. He squeezes my hand and I blush, he laughs and for the rest of breakfast we sit there playing with each others hands.

When everyone finishes eating we all spilt up, some to pack and others to shop or chill by the pool. Tyler and I head up to our hotel room to pack because we're going to London in four hours to stay at the Zalfie house for a week or two with some other YouTubers.

Once we're in the hotel room Tyler hugs me. Confused, I hug him back. "Why?" I ask, worried but kinda happy.

"I just really needed a hug." He says. I hug him again but this time longer. We stand there hugging; Tyler slowly moves his hand down my back and onto my butt, leaving it there until the hug is over. I don't say anything about that and just start packing, Tyler does the same.


A/N. I'm sorry this isn't a really long chapter but I rushed, so if its bad that also why. This chapter was also dragging a lot. Tomorrow I'll have more time hopefully and I'll write a better chapter. Oh and I know I said I'd put more Troyler action but I'm going do a little bit at a time or it'll get a little repetitive. Um, next chapter is going to have more stuff happening and they'll be at Zoella and Aflie's house (ZALFIE!!)

Thanks for reading, remember that I'm not experienced at writing fanfic and yeah, it's a lot more different than writing normal fiction novels. Anyway, feedback and advice would be nice, any spelling mistakes or anything like that then please tell me. byeeee I'll write more tomorrow, I promise!

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