Chapter 38. ~Funeral~

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Tyler's POV 

*One week later* 

I wake up and sigh; today is going to be one of the worst days ever. I turn and watch Troye sleeping; he's so peaceful and cute when he asleep. He had woken up all throughout the night because of nightmares; it's been like that for the whole week.

Atfer a while, there's a knock on the door and Laurelle walks in.

"Sorry," She whispers when she sees Troye sleeping. "You guys should get up soon if you want to make it to the funeral." I nod and she walks out, leaving with a tiny, sad smile on her face. Today is going to break Troye all over again.

I decide to give him a few more minutes of sleep before shaking him. He doesn't move so I shake him a little more until I hear a groan escape his lips and he pulls the blanket over his head. I laugh and pull it back down.

"Tilly," He whines, making me laugh again. I watch him grab his phone and groan again. "It's fucking 10 in the morning! Why did you wa-" He stops and I see his eyes fill with guilt and pain.

"Shh, it's okay," I pull him into my chest. "Today will be fine, just think happy thoughts and remember the good times with her." He nods and sniffles before I let go and wipe away the few tears on his cheeks.

We get ready together and I use this time to keep him as happy as he can possibly get at the moment. When we finish getting ready, we go to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Troye," Sage says once we're in the kitchen. I sit down at the breakfast bar while troye goes to the cupboard, pulling out the nutella and some bread.

"Yeah?" He asks, his voice soft. It breaks my heart to see him like this and to know that he's going to be like this for another day, makes me feel worse.

"Here, mom edited this for you," Sage hands Troye some paper before adding. "Like you asked her to." She kisses his cheek before grabbing her bowl and leaving the room.

"What's that?" I ask, looking at it curiously. Why would his mom have to edit something for him? I ask myself but then I shake the thought away, knowing it's none of my business. "Wait, you don't have to t-"

"It's okay," Troye cuts me off. "It's an eulogy for Elizabeth..." He trails off and starts blinking a lot before saying. "Her brother asked me to write one." I nod and he starts making us nutella on bread.

After breakfast, we leave- just Troye and I. As I drive us to the cemetery, I listen to Troye mumbling his eulogy, not understanding his much but hearing some words like, 'beautiful' and 'angel'.

"Tilly?" Troye says as we pull up to a red light. I look over to him and smile.

"Yes, babe?" I answer, seeing him return the smile quickly, making me smile wider.

"If I can't read this," He holds up the paper, "Because I start crying or something....will you read it for me?" I nod and he kisses my cheek before I have to continue driving.


Troye's POV

We arrive at the cemetery and walk over to where a group of people are standing around; two of them look as if they're crying but the others don't even look sad. When we get to the people, a male, who looks like he's in his 20's, approaches us.

"You must be Troye and Tyler," He says and we nod. "I'm Elizabeth's brother, Josh. I talked to you on the phone once." He stares at me while he talks and I just nod awkwardly.

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