Chapter 15. ~Evidence~

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Tyler's POV

I wake up with Troye asleep in my arms. I smile down at adorable aussie, loving how peaceful and happy he looks in his sleep. I kiss his forehead and left my arms carefully, then I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, glancing at the clock to see that it's already 10:26 in the morning. I decide to have a warm shower to wake me up.

After my quick, twenty minute shower, I get out and dry off. I walk over to the sink and notice the cupboard is left ajar. Strange, I think, deciding to open it. I gasp, seeing a razor with the blade out sitting on the shelf. Troye.

I rush out of bathroom and to the bed. "Troye," I say, shaking him. "Troye, we need to talk!" I shake him some more and he lets out an annoyed moan.

"What?" He asks, sounding so adorably sexy and husky. I love his morning voice, I smile quickly at my thought and then look down at myself, remembering I'm only in a towel.

"Shit. Hold on, I'll be three minutes, I just needa put some clothes on." I say, rushing back to the bathroom.

"But you look so hot in a towel." I hear Troye whine before shutting the door.

As I'm getting dressed I hear Troye moving around, banging into stuff and then finally nothing. What was he doing? I ask myself, finally fixing my hair up nice and strongly.

I walk out and see Troye sitting up in bed. "Can we talk now?" He asks, watching me. I nod and walk over to him, climbing onto the bed and sitting down next to him. "What do you want to talk about?" He glances at me and I notice something on his face.

I grab his chin and move his head to face me. I was right, there's powder on his face. "Are you wearing make up?" I ask, holding back a giggle. "Why on earth are you wearing make up?"

He stares at me, wide-eyed. "I-I'm not," he studders out. "I don't know, just- what do you want to talk about?" He changes the subject and I decide not to push him for answer, instead I smooth out the powder and then smile at him.

"There," I say. "Now you can't tell it's there. Okay, so I wanted to ask you something..." I trail off, wanting to see Troye's reaction but he just sits here, waiting for me to continue. "Urm...when was the last time you cut?" I blurt out the question as fast as I can, not wanting to ask it but knowing I have to.

Troye sits there, stunned and scared. "Umm..." He says, fidgeting with his sweater.

"Can I see?" I ask, gesturing to his arm. At first he hesitates but then finally he moves his arms forward. I carefully pull down the right sleeve and relief washes over me. No new cuts there. Then I pull up the other sleeve and tears start to form in my eyes as I stare down at the long red slashes along his wrist. "No." Is all I manage to say; tears start to stream down my face and his too.

 "I'm sorry, please don't hate me!" He says and I wrap my arms around him, careful not to touch the cuts.

"It's okay baby, but why? Why did you hurt yourself like this again?" I ask, wiping the tears off my face and looking into his blue eyes. Even though they're bloodshot and there's pain in them, I can still see the warm and happiness that was once there.

 "Be-because, I needed to." He says, tears falling onto his cheeks; I wipe them away and kiss his cheek softly.

"You never need to cut yourself, Troye, you're perfect. Please, if you ever feel like cutting, tell me or give me sign and I'll be there." I smile at him and his cheeks flush a light pink. "I'll never leave you, babe, okay?" He nods. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispers back. I lean in and kiss his lips lightly.

"We should get up now," I say, kissing him once more before getting out of bed and grabbing my laptop from its charger.


 Troye's POV

 Tyler and I bring our laptops down with us, deciding to have some long overdue, laptop time together. When we get to the kitchen only Grace and Louis are there; they're chatting and drinking coffee in a starbucks cup

"Hey, mornin' guys," Grace smiles at us and holds out a cup. "Want some coffee? We just came back and bought extras." I nod and take the drink, Tyler does too and he thanks her before we walk to the living room together. 

We sit on the couch close together and open our laptops, logging in and deciding twitter would be the first thing we go on. I start scrolling, seeing a lot of hate but deciding it's best to ignore it.

After half an hour of scrolling through twitter, something catches my attention; a hate tweet to me. I open it and see a photo of me lying in bed sowing me asleep with the giant bruise showing brightly and tears down my cheek; its caption saying: Troye the boy or Troye the baby? Gets beat up and cries about it instead of fighting back! The gay fag is just so fucking stupid and @TylerOakley does not deserve @Troyesivan he's just a fat idiot!

I feel the tears coming. "I'm sorry, I'll be back." I say, quickly closing my laptop and then rushing out of the room; running for the stairs but Connor stands in my way.

"Why you crying?" He asks, laughing. "I don't actually care, I just want to ask if you saw the photo I sent anonymously to people that hate you." He laughs again and tears start to fall.

"Why can't you leave me alone? It's not my fault Tyler chose me! I didn't make him, it was his choice and if you really loved him then you'd exce-" I'm cut off by Connor's fist slamming into my stomach, causing me to hunch over. I grab my stomach and tears stream down my face; the pain worse than when he punched me in the face.

"Look, Troye, I know you love Tyler but I'd advise you to just break up with him today or you'll see another punch coming your way tomorrow." And with that, Connor smiles and leaves. I struggle up the stairs but finally make it, quickly getting into my room and hobbling over to my bed.

The pain in my stomach getting worse with every move; I climb onto the bed and lie there, clutching my stomach, letting out groans of pain. I can't handle this, he'll kill me if I tell someone and I am not going to break up with Tyler. but if I don't then I'll probably die from the punches.

Five minutes pass and I decide I should go back to Tyler before he comes up and finds me crying in pain on my bed. I stand up weakly and go to the bathroom, going to the cupboard and grabbing some pain killers before taking them and leaving the room.

When I get to the living room I find Tyler and Connor chatting and laughing. They're flirting aren't they? I ask myself. I walk over to Tyler and lean down, ignoring the pain, and kiss his lips. After a few seconds he trys to pull away but I put my hand behind his head and we kiss longer.

I hear Connor cough and we finally stop, breathing heavily. "Wow." Tyler says, blushing and I smile.


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