Chapter 41. ~A Visitor Then Argument~

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Tyler's POV

*The next day*

"Chinese, Italian or Mexican food?" I ask, looking up from the menus in front of me, after deciding that we should eat lunch.

"Uh," He says, thinking. "Mexican food please, Tilly." He smiles at me brightly and I laugh. He is so adorable.

I call up and order our food; two burritos, two tacos and a large chips. As we wait for the food to arrive, Troye and I decide to have some nice laptop time. After a while Troye starts giggling.

"Look at this post," Troye says, pushing his laptop to me. I laugh when I see a picture of Zalfie next to us saying, 'stop looking so fucking perfect, we're meant to be cute couple!'.

"We are totally the cute ones," I say, kissing Troye on the cheek. He giggles and blushes. We continue scrolling through our Tumblr. I look at my tag and then the Troyler tag until my phone starts ringing, pulling me away from the laptop.

"Hello?" I answer.

"T-Tyler?" I hear Sawyer's voice on the other end. He sounds broken and scared.

"What's wrong?" I ask, way too worriedly.

"Can I come over, please? You're the only one that's answered my phone calls..." He trails off and sniffles a bit. He must've been crying, why? I ask myself.

"Of course you can!"

"I'll be there in two minutes," He says quickly before hanging up. I look at Troye and he closes his laptop.

"What's wrong?" He asks, looking worried.

"Sawyer...I don't but he's coming over," I answer. He nods and kisses my cheek quickly before pulling out his phone.

I get off the couch and walk over to the door, waiting anxiously for Sawyer. As soon as he knocks, I swing the door open and hold out my arms.

"Sawyer!" I practially scream.

"Tyler," he mumbles out, falling into my chest and sobbing. What? I walk him inside and sit him down on the couch next to Troye.

"Sawyer," Troye gasps. "What happened?" Sawyer shakes his head and Troye nods understandingly before wrapping his arms around him.

"I'll get you some water," I say, walking into the kitchen. I've never seen Sawyer so upset and it breaks my heart. I fill a glass with bottled water from the fridge and bring it back to him.

"Thanks," he says quietly before grabbing the glass and gulping it down. He hands me the empty glass before pushing himself back into Troye's body.

I place the glass on the table and go to sit down but a knock on the door stops me. I sigh and answer it, opening it to see a girl holding food.

"Um, Tyler Oakley?" She asks, looking down at the paper in her hand.

"Yes, how much is it?" I reply, annoyed at how she's acting so weirdly.

"$26.93 thanks," She smiles and I force one back before handing her $30.

"Keep the change." She nods and I shut the door before she can even say thanks for the extra money. I walk back to the couch and put the food down. "Lunch is here. Sawyer, have you eaten?" He groans and shakes he head. "Lucky I got a lot of food then."

We start eating the food together in silence; I decide to put the t.v on to make the silence less awkward but it makes it worse. After turning off the t.v, Sawyer clears his throat and speaks.

" ran over and he's most likely not going to make it," He blurts out before bawling his eyes out and grabbing onto my side. Troye gasps and I look at him, his eyes tearing up.

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