Chapter 8. ~Pizza and fight~

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Tyler's POV

*Two days later*

I wake up to the smell of fresh pizza.

"Pizza!" I gasp, trying to sit. But I can't. I look down and see Troye, his head laying across my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.

So adorable, I think to myself. I look the clock and it's only 10:17a.m. so I decide to watch Troye sleep.

He's so peaceful and still, until his nose start twitching; he smells the pizza. I smile at him as soon as his eyes fly open.

"Where's the pizza?" He says in a cute, sleepy voice. He lifts his head and yawns, then stares at me, smiling.

"Eww, your breath stinks!" I say, waving my hand in front of my nose to get the smell away.

Troye laughs and puffs out more breaths in my face. "You love me!"

I put my arms around him and push his face into my chest. "Yeah, but I don't love your sticky breath!" I laugh and kiss the back of his head. "We're doing a Q'n'A video today aren't we?" I let go of Troye and he nods, leaving his head on my chest. "Well then we should get up."

"No!" Troye says, tightening his grip around my waist. "I'm comfy!"

"Aww babe, I know, but what about the pizza?" As soon as I say pi-, Troye is sitting up.

"Let's go eat first, now get ready." He says, grabbing my hand. He walks me out into the hallway and then down the stairs, as soon as we get to the door of the kitchen he lets go and runs. "PIZZA!" I heard him yell.

I walk into the room and three large pizzas sit on the bench, slices taken from each. Zoe, Marcus, Tanya, Caspar, Louise and Darcy, are standing and sitting around the bench. "Yum, pizza for breakfast." I say, sitting down next to Caspar and Louise.

"Yep, thought everyone would love it so on my way over I got some." Louise says, handing a slice to Darcy.

Aww, I hope one day I'll adopt an adorable daughter like Darcy, I think, starring at Darcy.

"It's my birthday on Tuesday." Darcy says, looking up at me with her adorable blue eyes. "I'm going to be four." She holds up four fingers and smiles at me.

"Wow," I say. "What do you want to get for your birthday?"

She stares at the floor and thinks. "I want.." She starts but then thinks again. "I want to get a wand and a dress and be a princess. Oh but I also want a princess doll and-"

"Darcy," Louise cuts her off. "You can't have everything!" I laugh and she giggles at her mom.

Troye's POV

*Three hours later*

We just finished watching Frozen 2. Even though I didn't really watch the movie because I was too busy watching Tyler and Darcy playing together, I still thought the movie was good.

"Troye, you coming?" Tyler says, standing infront of me. "We've got to record the video." I nod and we walk upstairs together.

After setting up the camera, Tyler goes to touch up his hair so I log onto twitter and start picking my favourite questions.

"Ty, hurry up or the video won't upload until tomorrow!" I call out to him.

"Zoe has fast internet! And it's only 1:30!" He calls back and then a few minutes later appears in the bathroom doorway. "How do I look?" He asks, posing.

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