Chapter 47

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I sat on the bed with my back to the headboard. My wrists stung from how long and tight my arms had been tied. Penny had left hours earlier to hunt, leaving me alone in the cold and old motel room. I had been feeling under the weather lately but no physical symptoms like a runny nose or a nasty cough just a lot of nausea.

I held my stomach, trying not to throw up from how nauseous I was feeling. I had probably ate something bad, or the stress I was under in was finally catching up with me. I looked straight ahead, looking at my grey socks, trying not to pay attention to my stomach.

I had made the best love I've ever had earlier. Everything felt so surreal in the moment, like I wasn't even there. I was just waiting for penny to come back, so that he could help me sleep. I hadn't been able to these past weeks.

My wrists continued to sting but I loved the pain. It was a reminder from the hours prior. The way he smelled so sweet, the way his heavy breaths echoed in the room and the way his large hands touched my skin. Everything about it was perfect.

I sat up slowly, planning to get myself a glass of water when I felt the sudden urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom, holding my mouth. I slid against the floor of the bathroom letting myself hover over the toilet. I felt tears sting my eyes as I continued to throw up. It was clear, obvious I hadn't ate anything the whole day.

After cleaning myself up, I grabbed a pair of sneakers and decided to head out for food. I walked down the old and crooked hallway, feeling shivers ride like a rollercoaster up and down my spine. I always felt watched every time I walked down the hallway.

I made a sharp turn, feeling my body relax as I came face to face with the familiar old face on the front desk. Everything here was so old. Even the fights with Penny and the constant heartbreak felt old here. I gave the old lady a small wave as I headed out into the sunny and cold day. Even with the sun dancing and blessing above Derry, it was still chilly.

I walked down the street, looking at all the festive Christmas decorations that kissed every house and store I passed. I thought about what to get Penny for Christmas. Did he even know what that was? Would he even be awake by then?

"Stop" I scolded myself lightly. I shouldn't be thinking those things. It didn't matter in the moment. The only thing that did was the time we had left together.

I walked into the large grocery store. It was new in Derry, and was soon going to be running those small grocers out of business. I walked down the aisle, the wheels on the shopping cart squealing along the way. The elevator type of music played throughout the large and white complex, trying to make shopping more relaxing.

I continued to put food items in my cart, telling myself it was a bad idea to go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. The store was quite crowded, the buzzing of constant conversations filling the air like a glass of water.

I made my way to the produce section, preparing to leave soon after when I felt a small hand grab my shoulder lightly and I felt myself jump at the contact. I turned around, facing the stranger.

"Rebeca" I sighed in relief as she smiled at me. Her belly looked plump as she held tightly onto her shopping cart, trying not to lose it in the crowded store. She was 5 months along.

"Hey!" She said as she pulled me in a for a tight hug. I felt her hand rub my back gently, as if she was trying to consolidate me. After breaking the hug, I looked at her with curiosity in my eyes.

Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now