Prelude Gaia

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"You are on inactive duty until further notice. You've healed enough now that there is no reason to keep you here at the hospital.

"Thank you for your help with Corporal Thompson, I don't know what you said to him, but he seems to be less depressed than before Sgt.

"You have been given special leave to have housing outside of the base. Everyone thinks it is both in yours and Thompson's best interest to have you two near each other. You have three days to find an apartment nearby before your official discharge, if you like you can have headquarters arrange something for you." The doctor says as she comes to check on Jayse one final time before she is sent back to her assigned ship.

Jayse looks at her and does his best not to sneer. She doesn't deserve that and he isn't so far lost to his anger to forget his manners. "It won't be necessary. I just need some rental papers to find what's available. The closer the better." He agrees with the assessment it will be best if he's near the other two although he finds it difficult to be near Rory. It'll be hell to be away though, his anger is too close to the surface to tolerate much.

Alicia, the doctor smiles and hands him a paper. Jayse looks at it and notices some addresses circled in red. He looks back to the doctor with a look of confusion on his face.

Alicia smiles, "I've already gone over the available rentals for this quadrant of the city. The areas circled in red are the ones nearest the hospital. I'm sure you'll find someplace in one of those locations. Good luck Sgt."

Jayse watches the young doctor leave then looks back to the paper in his hands. He starts making calls from the numbers listed on the paper. Several minutes later he's satisfied with the information he's given and makes himself ready to leave.

A short time later Jayse shows up at the apartment complex. The manager greets him warily, he's never had a warrior as a tenant before or even met one. They go up the stairs and the manager shows him about the apartment. It's furnished with furniture that has definitely seen better days.

Jayse doesn't show his expression and the manager can't read him like he normally can with people. But he doesn't think the warrior will take such a run down place like this and so he's surprised to hear Jayse say, "I'll take it."

They go back down to the managers room and they sign the rental agreement and Jayse transfers the requisite money from his account to that of the landlord. "I'll be moving in tonight. I don't know how long I'll be here but even if I'm not here for the full six months I'll make sure that you get paid for all of them." Jayse would have preferred a month to month contract since he really doesn't know how long he'll be needing the place but six months doesn't lock him in too much. And after the first six months it turns into a month to month which Jayse is much happier with.

"Thank you sir. The residents here are friendly, but mostly keep to themselves, they won't bother you." The manager says as Jayse gets up. The manager gives him the keys to the room and his mail box. "I know most people get their mail electronically, but some still get the old fashioned letters, also you can receive packages here. If you receive a package and you're not here I'll sign for it and leave you a message."

Jayse smiles a bit bitterly, only headquarters would send him anything and if they did they wouldn't hand it over to anyone other than himself. But if headquarters did send him something it would likely be a summons to a court martial with an honor guard of MPs.

"I'm not likely to be needing this and I'll be making changes with the locks. I'll make sure you get a copy of the keys but if you value your life you won't go in there without me letting you in."

Jayse goes back to the hospital and lets them know that he has found a suitable location and is ready to be discharged. Shortly thereafter the on call doctor and on duty nurse enter with the necessary paperwork and instructions for post care. Jayse listens with only half his attention and signs where indicated.

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