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"You were part of the team before?" Maren asks as she cleans up and Dall helps her.

"Yes, Kadance brought me on board as we were leaving Gaia. But in Jandin she gave me this special assignment. So I wasn't with her very long," Dall replies.

Maren looks at him curiously, "Why'd she send you? No offense meant, but you were part of her team."

"I was redlined, became suicider because of Celeste. Alpha was sent here, but too late, or so we thought. It haunted me, losing so many civilians. When Kadance told me there was a chance of at least some of the civies surviving, she gave me hope again. Have you ever lived without hope Maren? It's a nightmare in itself. I think she gave me the assignment to give my life back to me," Dall explains softly.

"Maybe," Maren says, "but one thing I found with Kadance, she never does anything without a reason and usually has more than one." Maren finishes cleaning up.

She comes over to Dall and lightly runs her fingers down his face. "To have faced such loneliness," Dall reacts but holds completely still, "and to come back to hope. Indeed Kadance knows each of us." Maren smiles at his reaction. "Tell me Dall, are you in a hurry to leave?"

"Not if you're offering me a place to stay," he gasps before he kisses her. She leads him to her room.

"I'm very pleased with the recovery here on Celeste. I know that jobs are few and credits short. But there is work, I'm offering that work to all civilians here on the Eastern Continent. All children that go to school will for this and the next year receive vouchers for all materials needed. All adults will be paid in credits for the time and effort they put in. All those with professions that are able to we need you to restart your businesses. All shop owners, if you come forward to the chief of my security and give him a list of supplies you will receive supplies as you work. There will be credits given and credit towards supplies. The harder you work the more credits you'll earn. Child care and teachers you'll be compensated as well. All employees of Dunworthy holding will be paid their wages as they work. Some jobs you'll be able to return to others you'll have to help rebuild. Celeste had a thriving city before and I expect it to thrive again.

"For those that lost family and friends in the shifters attacks we grieve with you, but now is the time to channel your grief. Use it to help others. It is hard at times to even drag yourself out of bed. It helps if you have a reason, make your neighbor and all of the Eastern continent as your reason. Make your friends your loved ones proud of you by helping to rebuild your city.

"There were many that gave their lives to give you the chance to survive. In front of Dunworthy Holdings HQ here we'll be erecting a memorial to the fallen, but we need your help. We need the names of the fallen. So if you could give those names to my chief of security we'll be honored to place their names on the memorial.

"Now for my final announcement, chief Dall will be turning over command to Chandle. Dall has done a marvelous job. I know he credits a great deal to Chandle. Dall will be returning to my personal security team." Kadance motions for both Chandle and Dall to come forward.

Dall steps to the podium, "I'm confident that Celeste will be in good hands as Chandle takes over as Security Chief. He has demonstrated his love and enthusiasm for Celeste time and time again. He'll more than ably complete those projects currently underway and start others as it becomes necessary." Dall says, "I'm proud to call him friend. I thank each and every person that has helped to bring back this city and it's people. This wouldn't have been possible without your hard work, sweat and determination. I have no doubt that this same commitment will continue under Chandle," Dall steps back and shakes Chandle's hand as does Kadance.

Chandle steps up, "I'm not much for speeches, so I mean no offense. I'm pleased that I have been chosen to stay and become Chief. I thank Kadance and Chief Dall. I pledge to do my best to help this city. I ask the civilians for their help. I'll start taking names for the memorial right after the broadcast. I'll take the names of the shop keepers starting tomorrow at Security HQ. This city needs each and every one of you, I hope as Kadance says, that you're able to use your grief to help rebuild. Thank you."

"Very good, now take them apart without blowing us all to kingdom come," Tommy says as the twins show him the finished product after modification. "As you're diffusing it tell me the best place to hide it."

"These could be hidden in battle fluff. People racing to safety often drop things in their rush. These could easily be hidden in something like that," Jade says.

"This bomb would go perfectly in a child's doll. The shifters pay no attention to the fluff left behind, it could be set to go off as a large group goes by," Jax continues.

"Exactly, very good boys. Even small things like these homemade items can be deadly. Our little poppers work really well, but knowing what you can use around you is just as important. Dall and Marks had a demo leader that thought this," Tommy takes out a bomb, "was insignificant. This is a shifter bomb. We don't come against them often because we kill them before they get a chance to set them, or at least we try to. The Lt. idiot died trying to disarm one similar to this."

He throws the bomb to Jax. "Tell me Corporal how'd you disarm this?" Jax swallows as he notices the timer was active. I'd cut this wire here then pull those wires, then I'd cut this wire," Jax says.

Tommy chuckles and says, "Then we'd all go boom like the Lt did. Shifters build backwards. This is where another example of knowledge of your enemy comes in. When you know your enemy you know how to counter them. This is how you should disarm this bomb," Tommy show them.

"Now, for your assignment, build from scratch a shifter bomb. Then I want you to dig deep about shifters. I want a ten page report from each of you regarding shifters. I want you to use different sources. Then I want you to read each others reports," Tommy instructs. "Tomorrow I want the reports handed in and oral reports given, the bombs ready and armed. After your oral report you'll disarm the bombs."

The boys waste no time they scramble out of the apartment to go get the bomb components. "How'd you get a shifter bomb?" Dall asks as the boys leave.

Tommy shrugs, "On one of the Sigma missions, I've been carrying it around ever since. Should have used it at Camp, but compared to my other toys this isn't very strong." Tommy tosses it to Dall.

Dall catches it and looks it over. "Simple device. Sad to say I'd have tried to disarm it like Jax said."

"That's because you were being lead by a blind idiot. How he ever made it to Lt is beyond me," Tommy snorts.

"He was a kiss ass but he was a decent leader. It's how he got to be in charge of the demo team that amazes me. There were men far more qualified to lead. Alpha is doing far better without him as demo leader," Marks says coming up to them. Dall tosses him the shifter device. Marks whistles, "So the Lt didn't learn how to disarm this? Silly him. You just do," and Marks disarms it, "this."

Tommy watches him with a slight smile on his face. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

Marks becomes defensive, "One of the men on the demo team had one and he showed me."

Tommy leans forward, "Then why wasn't he the one diffusing that shifter bomb that killed your Lt?"

"The Lt was a glory hound. He wanted to do it himself and wouldn't hear of anyone else touching it. Refused to take advice or instruction. The one that showed me kept the rest of us back, saved our lives," Marks explains.

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