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Thompson looks at Jayse in speculation, "You have a good memory Sarge." Thompson's voice is soft not wanting to intrude on Jayse's introspection.

"Her sister had just gone down I remember seeing movement from the corner of my eye as we entered. I looked over and I saw her stunned and in shock, yet she never missed a beat. She bent down and retrieved her sister's gun. She quickly ran out of bullets which was good for us. It was obvious that she had never fired a gun before. She managed to take down the shifters that killed her sister. Once she saw our insignia she sighed in relief and collapsed. Her bravery has been taught at the school too. Her nephews are as proud of her as they are their parents. They try very hard to live up to their family legacy, from both sides."

"Maybe you don't remember but we were told to be on the lookout for her. Command wanted to ask her to join us ten years ago but she disappeared after she reached Gaia." Jayse stops and remembers the dressing down she gave the doctor before and the lecture they heard as they were returning after their bout.

He chuckles at the memories, "She definitely has courage to spare. Her abilities as a nurse are second to none. I don't know how well she'd adjust to our way of life. I need more time to know her before we extend the invitation. We'll see if she takes me up on my offer." Jayse shakes his head as he leaves Thompson in the main common room.

Stretching a bit Jayse winces, "Gads I feel old. Only thirty-five and I've been discharged. I never expected to live long enough to be discharged." There is a great deal of bitterness and sadness in his voice as he says that. He finishes in a very soft voice no one was meant to hear, but Thompson does. "I wish I hadn't." Jayse casually waves goodbye to Thompson and leaves, never looking back and, to Thompson at least, looking very discouraged.

Thompson continues watching his friend leave and once he is sure that Jayse is truly gone and not going to come back he returns to the nurses station. He moves so silently and waits so patiently that Kadance doesn't realize that he's there until she looks up. Although she's sitting she gives a little jump. She somehow manages to choke down the small scream that wants to come out.

Although considerably startled she manages to speak in neutral voice, "May I help you Corp.?"

Kadance is more than a little disconcerted and even more so when Thompson doesn't speak but continues to stare at her with his blue eyes that hide and don't give up anything.

Thoughtfully Thompson asks, almost to himself. "Just how good are you?"

Of course Kadance is confused by his words. She doesn't detect the undesirable innuendo that usually comes with those words, or at least similar ones.

"Excuse me?" Kadance asks once more. She goes to call for security when Thompson doesn't answer right away.

Thompson makes calming motions with his hands. Thompson gives a small smile of deprecation aimed at himself. "Sorry. I'm used to holding conversations with myself and sometimes I forget and blurt out only part of what I'm saying." At her wary look he laughingly continues. "No, I'm not crazy. At least that's what the shrinks say. I'm just a solitary person and quite often have no one to talk to except myself. What I meant was, just how good of a nurse are you? Are you good enough and brave enough to help a redliner? How good are you?" Thompson is looking at her intently.

Kadance at first is confused by the term redliner then she remembers that Thompson made it up to use it as a reference to their condition. She answers hesitantly, "I'm not sure about brave or anything like that, I just do the best job I can. I do what needs to be done," she answers defiantly.

Thompson smiles at her smile, her spark of fire. "Kadance listen, rarely has Sarge spoken in admiration of anyone's bravery, especially a civilians. He doesn't think much of civilians over all even though he's always done his best to protect you.

"Yet he holds you in esteem. He thinks you've got, how to phrase this nicely? I guess this is best," Thompson says after careful thought. "He thinks you've got guts.

"Now taking his phrase and applying your profession-if you're willing of course- I think he's got a chance. But only if you're willing to take the chance. Redliners are dangerous people, very dangerous. There are very few in the warrior class in the medic profession even willing to try beyond the physical healing. They tend to heal the physical injuries and want to get away from us as fast as possible.

"A redliner going suicidal is beyond dangerous. There have never been any stopped once they've crossed that line without a lot of death. So I ask you once again are you brave enough?" Thompson watches her intently. He knows her answer before she does.

Kadance swallows hard and takes a deep breath. "You are talking about Sgt. Jayse aren't you sir?" Her voice is weak and sounds more than a little scared.

His intense gaze never leaves her face, "Him and to a lesser extent myself. He's without purpose as am I.

"Warriors without purpose quite often go suicidal. He's already showing signs. Are you brave enough to do what my people won't and try helping him recover and find a new purpose? Are you good enough?"

Kadance is wide eyed at his speech and shakes her head doubtfully. "Am I good enough? I don't know. But I'm willing to try. What do I need to do?" Her voice has firmed with resolution.

Thompson hides the satisfaction he feels at her words and laughs instead. "I don't know. Dealing with redliners is tricky. You'll have to wing it as it comes to you. But you can start by calling him and talking about your nephews." Thompson could look them up later and find out more about them. His curiosity is piqued and once that happens no information is hidden for long from him.

"Then try getting him to talk about other things. He refuses to talk to anyone about what happened, even me and I was there. He's keeping it bottled up and that's not good. Jayse is damn good and if he goes suicidal it's going to take the entire complement of warriors here on Gaia to take him down. There will be major casualties." Thompson's matter-of-fact tone takes away any desire to back down Kadance has. Someone has to do it and there was no one else. She nods her understanding as Thompson looks hard at her once more before leaving.

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