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"Tommy, there's someone here about your hand," Sandlee says as he comes out of the bedroom.

Tommy rubs his eyes with his good hand, "What?"

"I figured you'd be too busy to go to him so I bullied him to come to you. It needs to be fixed. He's right over there," Sandlee points to the couch. Tommy nods and slowly makes his way there.

Sitting close to the stranger Tommy says, "Are you the guy that can help me?"

"Maybe. Depends on the damage done. The whole unit may need to be replaced, in which case you'll have to have it done on Gaia. Now let's take a look see," Tommy extends his arm and hand. "Shifter fire. Jammed it good. Let's see," He takes out some tools. "Let's remove the bullet." He grunts a bit as he forces the deformed bullet to come out. "Lovely, very good. There's not as much damage as I originally feared. Hold on," he takes out a few more things.

"I need to remove this, might hurt a bit." Tommy bites back an oath. "Let's put this in. The other damage is minor. I can replace 'em but it'll be painful. Better to be done when you're under full anesthesia."

Tommy moves his fingers and hand. Tries out his weapon throwing. "I'll hold off on that for now. We'll be leaving for Gaia soon. If I feel it necessary I'll have it done there. Thank you for your help." Tommy says as the man packs up his bag.

"No problem, good luck," the man says.

"You too, have a good night." Tommy says graciously as he escorts the man from the room.

"Maren it smells heavenly, but I'll have to pass. I'm dropping, so I'm just going to hobble into bed. Boys you've worked hard. Compile what you've found and send it over to Tanker. It's his mess now." Tommy stumbles and Jayse is there to steady him.

"You did too much today," Jayse says flatly.

"I didn't do that much. Mostly stood around," Tommy protests.

"Enough Tommy, you're not ready yet," Jayse says.

"You take me off this Jayse and it'll kill me. I need this, I'm just tired. I'll be better in the morning," Tommy protests. "I'll take the chair and sit if I have to, but I'm going Jayse," Tommy says as he enters the bedroom.

"He needs it Jayse. He's felt very useless lately. Don't push on this, you'll break him," Borden says coming up to Jayse.

"I don't want him to relapse," Jayse says defeated.

"He won't, he doesn't want to relapse any more than you want him too. Less more likely. He hates not being at full capacity. How long has it been since he's done any real ghosting?" Borden asks knowing the answer. "Planex, at least at his full capacity. At Camp he had to tone it down because of his injuries. He hates being room bound. You know that more than any of us. He's a whiz at the electronics, but his true love is ghosting and you know that."

"Yeah, he'd sneak out of the hospital to ghost. Said if he didn't he'd go crazy," Jayse sighs tiredly.

"It's the same now," Borden says, "but with Kadance and Kelan and Sandlee watching it's harder because he knows that he won't be able to get away with it."

"I know, but I almost lost him. It'll kill me to lose him," Jayse says.

"If he has to take the final grace due to insanity you'll lose him just as much."

"Rory." Jayse says haunted. He leaves Borden and goes to the spare room.

Borden says after him, "Rory wasn't your fault."

Jayse pauses at the door, "Yes, he was." Then closes the door behind him.

"Kadance eat this fruit. Tommy sit down," Jayse orders them both.

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