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Once Thompson leaves Kadance takes out the card with Jayse's info on it with shaking hands. She stares unseeing at what is written there but the resolution builds in her to carry out her promise. Besides she hasn't heard anything about her nephews for ten years now.

Shaking her head at how fast time flies she puts the card back into safekeeping and smiles as she remembers her nephews. She's tried hard to not think about them for so long knowing that doing so will just hurt her that now she finds it hard to remember.

She immerses herself in her duties to avoid the memories until she has quiet time to think and remember; and to cry. She's suppressed all memories of her sister, and former life that crying will be inevitable.

She shoves harder at the memories, draws a deep breath and returns her mind to her job. Later she promises herself she'll indulge in the luxury of memory and cry.

"Yes," Jayse answers brusquely. The call had interrupted his memories of the last battle and he's having a hard time shoving them aside like he always has.

The voice on his com unit don't register at first, and is hesitant, "Is this Sgt. Jayse?" The female on the call asks hesitantly. Jayse hadn't activated the vid when he answered his call. He does so now as he remembers the person on line.

"Yes, of course, but I'm no longer a Sgt. so just call me Jayse." Jayse says warmly trying to make the call easier on the woman. Something that used to be second nature to him is now fairly difficult for him to do.

"Yes, sir. This is the nurse from the hospital, Kadance. I was wondering if you had time today, this afternoon, to talk about my nephews?" She said the sentence so fast that the whole sentence was like one run on sentence. It makes Jayse want to smile.

Which of course he doesn't. It takes a lot of courage to call someone you don't know to ask them for something like she has. It takes even more courage for a civilian to call a warrior. It just isn't done, usually.

"Yes, today would be fine nurse. I have the whole day free so what time would be convenient for you?" Jayse had unconsciously made his voice much softer and gentler than he has for anyone in a long time. It is much more congenial than his normally brusque or even angry tones.

"Well sir, Jayse, I mean, if-I was wondering if I would be pushing things if you could join me for dinner? Just a diner across from the hospital, but it's good food. I get off at 1700 and am usually starving when I get off..." She runs out of breath and takes a deep breath.

Jayse takes the opportunity to speak, "And breathe." Jayse gives a little chuckle. Bravery in spades. "Yes, I can meet you at the diner at 1700 today. And nurse, please, don't be afraid or nervous to call me at any time." Jayse is starting to feel happier than he has in a long time.

"Yes, sir." Kadance says much more relaxed. Jayse even detects a hint of a chuckle in her voice.

"Just Jayse please." Jayse says relaxing more than he's been for sometime.

This time Kadance lets out a small chuckle. "Okay. Yes, Jayse. Would it offend if I asked you to not refer to me as Nurse all the time?"

Now Jayse laughs. "No, Ms Kadance it won't offend me a bit. I'm a rather informal person myself. I'll meet you at the diner at 1700 then." Jayse disconnects the call with a slight smile and for some reason a much lighter heart.

He starts whistling even as he thinks, "Oh yes, bravery in spades." He doesn't even realize that he's whistling. Something he hasn't done for three years.

Jayse stands when he spots Kadance enter the diner, and she changes her course as she sees him. Jayse waits until she's seated on the booth before he retakes his seat. Out of habit Jayse had chosen a corner booth, one where he can watch the entire diner and not have his back vulnerable.

"Ms. Kadance, will your husband be joining us?" Jayse asks politely as he sits.

Kadance blushes yet maintains his eye contact as she answers, "No, Jayse." She stutters over just saying his name. "I'm not married or in a relationship."

Jayse is shocked and surprised. He is also very blunt, "Why? I thought civies place great importance on relationships."

At this Kadance drops her head in shame. Jayse is fascinated by her actions. Kadance's blush deepens as she feels Jayse's intense look. Finally she speaks what she sees as truth, "I guess guys just don't like me."

Jayse shakes his head in confusion. "They must be blind then or stupid."

Kadance mumbles her reply, "No, I think they're just afraid of me or something."

Jayse doesn't like Kadance looking like that and puts a bit of a command in his voice, although his voice is still softer than it usually is. "Look at me Kadance," she reluctantly looks up as Jayse waits patiently. Once she looks up Jayse asks gently, "Why would guys be afraid of you?"

Now Kadance loses her control. "I don't know. Maybe, because I speak my mind. I'm willing to step on toes. You've witnessed that yourself. I don't let the status quo stand." Her voice is low but very angry, this is a subject she doesn't like exploring. She's never found an acceptable answer to that question.

"Don't civies like those traits?" Jayse asks confused. Those are the very traits that attracts him and many of the warriors.

Kadance laughs bitterly, "NO. Keep the status quo no matter what. That seems to be what is admired. That and skinny model types that will blow away in the wind." Kadance looks down at herself, "which I most certainly am not." Kadance is beautiful, but definitely not on the skinny side. She is overweight, but as far as Jayse is concerned it doesn't detract in anyway from her beauty.

"Look Jayse, no disrespect meant, but could we please change the subject? My single status fills me with shame." Kadance angrily waves the subject away.

"My apologies Ms. Kadance. I didn't mean to shame you. I wouldn't do that for the world. I'm not familiar with civilian ways like I've said before. I wasn't trying to offend just understand." An awkward silence ensues that is only broken by the waitress taking their order and the sounds of the diner itself and it's other occupants.

After a bit Kadance gets tired of the strained silence, "So I take it relationships are not a focus for the warrior class?" Kadance asks uncertainly.

Jayse smiles reassuringly to her. "Not like civilians, but yes we have relationships and some like your sister choose to make them more permanent and marry. But it's just not that common. Actually your sisters marriage was one that was rare indeed." Jayse muses absently noting the sharpening interest in Kadance.

"How so?" Kadance inquires soft but intensely. "You say that marriages do happen."

"Yes, but they are infrequent and when they do happen they usually happen between two that are stationed on a planet not out fighting such as your sister's husband," Jayse falls quiet.

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