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"One hour then, we'll finalize the building plans for the lab. Your boys already started on the creche?" Jayse asks Tanker.

"Yes, should be ready within the two weeks," Tanker replies eyes never leaving Baron's door. "There's a very good location not far from the compound. There's some underground caves we can use." Tanker finishes in a rush and stands up as Baron comes out of her room. "One hour, bye all." He goes over to Baron and takes as many of her things as he can. He quickly brushes off any offers of assistance. After he leaves Jayse, Tommy and Kadance burst into laughter. Several other team members chuckle.

"Boy he's got it bad. If he didn't fight it, it wouldn't be so bad," Borden says.

Some of the team look at him in confusion. So he explains, "Tanker has life mated to Baron, but is fighting it. That just makes it worse. He'll be acting like a love sick moron until he accepts it."

"Kadance, can I speak to you please?" Kelan whispers as the team starts razzing Tanker.

"Yes, Kelan?" Kadance says complacently.

"They had sex?" Kelan asks incredulously.

"From what Baron said and didn't say, I'd say several times," Kadance replies.

"She was okay with it?" Kelan asks in disbelief.

"Do you think Tanker would be alive right now if she wasn't? I was ready to kill him and she stopped me. There's something about him that calms her. She said she pushed when he tried to back off. She wouldn't let him. Sounds an awful lot like how I was with Jayse," Kadance says.

"Yes, but you hadn't been raped for three years," Kelan says agitatedly.

"No, I was a virgin who'd been hunted down and betrayed by those she loved. But I trusted Jayse, wanted him. Just like Baron with Tanker. My only concern is their age difference, but if they're good than it's no concern of mine." Kadance says in finality. "No, Kelan, done is done. The bond is there and can't be undone. It's no longer our concern." Kadance continues, "The bond very likely started the day he brought her out of that hell hole. The care he took by covering her with that blanket."

"But they don't know about the internal scarring," Kelan protests, "she's not ready."

"Kelan," Kadance says humorously, "since when did the heart ever find out if we're ready? Knowledge or lack there of won't change anything. The bond is there. You know what happens. He's not going to care."

"But she will," Kelan says. "This will kill her."

Kadance smiles sadly, "Kill her, no. Hurt her like hell, yes. However, if she does the ceremony there's a chance she could get pregnant. If that doesn't work, well they're building one of the biggest genetics labs here. They can have a surrogate carry her babes. It's not the same, I know, but she'll still have babies."

"You don't understand Kadance, she's not mentally or emotionally ready for this," Kelan says in exasperation.

"You're right, I don't understand. But what you're not seeing, it doesn't matter whether she's ready or not. It's happened. It's done and she feels protected and cared for by Tanker. He won't smother her. She couldn't have picked a better mate. They aren't going to have smooth sailing, they both have issues they need to work out, but it's done and we have no say in it."

"This isn't good," Kelan insists.

"This is good, it's wonderful in fact. Love and someone that believes in you heals you more than you would ever believe possible. Be happy for her."

"I am, I'm just worried about her," Kelan says in defeat.

"Tanker will take fine care of her. He doesn't look like a sixty plus years old, he looks to be in his mid thirties. He knows how to optimize a person and he'll do that with Baron. She'll bloom more with him than she would with anyone else. Just be happy for her," Kadance says.

"Kadance, I know you are preparing to leave soon, but could you bring Kelan to Baron's place? She's very ill." A very worried Tanker calls up.

"We'll be there as soon as possible," Kadance says.

"Kelan, Jayse, Tommy we need to go see Baron, she's ill," Kadance calls out.

"Just let me grab my stuff," Kelan calls back. "Okay I'm ready, let's go."

"Well Baron, you're not likely to die," Kelan jokes as she finishes her exam. "Although at times you might wish you were. Congratulations you're pregnant," Kelan says smiling.

Baron stills, "Pregnant? Are you sure?"

Kelan is quick to reassure her, "It's Tanker's. You weren't pregnant before and most civies can't get a warrior pregnant. It takes a great deal of special precautions and other things for a warrior female to get pregnant by a civie. Our birth control is too strong."

"I'm pregnant," Baron repeats stunned. "But I haven't done the ceremony yet."

Kelan smiles gently, "Well, I think it's twins so you don't need to worry about that." Kelan pauses, "you do want the babies right? Because if not it's best to abort right now."

Baron stares at her in horror, "Abort the babies? Never."

"Good. Here's some stuff to help with the nausea. Eat every two hours, small amounts. As healthy as you can, Kadance had a hard time with that, couldn't keep anything down until Maren came on board.

"You are high risk due to internal scarring from the rapes. I want you to visit your doctor every week. If she gives you any problems call me. Take things easy if anything feels like it's ripping or tearing get medical attention immediately.

"The first group from Camp arrives tomorrow. There's a couple of doctors in that group. They'll be here to get the lab ready, but should also take patients. This is the one I recommend." Kelan gives her all the information. "Congratulations Baron," Kelan smiles warmly.

"Thank you Kelan," Baron smiles. "I'm going to be a mother. Will you send Tanker in here? I want to tell him myself."

"Of course," Kelan finishes packing her things. "I'm sure he'll be pleased." Kelan exits the bedroom and makes her face a blank.

"Tanker, she'd like to see you now," Kelan says solemnly. Everyone is silent as Tanker enters the room.

"Well?" Kadance demands once the door has shut.

"You know I can't tell you Kadance, patient doctor confidentiality." Kelan replies with a smile. "But she didn't seem to mind if I told others, she just wanted to be the one to tell Tanker. She's pregnant." Just as Kelan gives her announcement Tanker gives out a whoop of joy.

Kadance smiles in satisfaction.

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