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Kadance lays back against the chair. "This feels good maybe I'll sleep here tonight." She closes her eyes.

"You do and you'll wake up with a sore neck and feet so swollen they'll hurt to walk on," Jayse chides.

"They're already swollen. My toes look like sausages," Kadance grumbles.

"Yes, love, but very cute sausages. But if you lay down I'm sure Jayse would give you another back rub and foot massage, lucky him," Tommy says mournfully.

"Love to," Jayse says, "but why don't you?"

"My sensory input was damaged in the prosthetic, it's not fine enough not for a massage not anymore. For most things," Tommy shrugs.

"Don't worry the back rub and foot massage will put me to sleep, too tired for anything else." Kadance says holding out her hands but keeping her eyes shut.

They each take a hand and pull her up and guide the half asleep woman to her room. Tommy just stays long enough to help her into bed. Jayse starts rubbing her back and shortly she's asleep.

"That process went much quicker than with the biddies." Kadance says sitting back happily. "These candidates were much more..." She trails off.

"Alive, Kadance. That's the word you're looking for, warm, giving, eager. Take your pick," Tommy says jokingly.

"Not nice Tommy," Kadance chides then chuckles, "but true."

"They all seem to be nice people," Tilene dares to add.

"Yes, but they aren't my responsibility, well to an extent they are, but I'm turning the nursery and it's staff over to you. Scheduling, rotations anything to do with the children. Any problems you get to deal with it. However, if it's a sufficiently large problem by all means let me or my husbands know. We all believe you are the one to head up the nursery," Kadance says smiling.

"Me?" Tilene says in a voice that squeaks. "You want me to be in charge of your creche?"

"I call it a nursery, but yes. Here are the bio's on those we hired. Make living assignments, set up rotations and remember to schedule in training that's required of all warriors including yourself, mealtimes, free time they are welcome to use the facilities at the house. But if they wish to leave the grounds they will need to make arrangements to have a security guard with them. Anyone unwilling to follow these rules will be terminated. And no I don't mean killed, although that is a very real possibility if they try sneaking off the grounds. Show them the home movies of Camp defense, it shows Tommy's handiwork nicely.

"Anything of interest or concern about the babies you contact me immediately. I, may out of necessity, have to have others help me, but I do intend on being as much as possible a part of my children's lives. So I'll quite often be underfoot. Let me know the schedule you work out and I'll try to minimize my interruption of it.

"Just remember that I am the boss. As long as you don't forget that little fact we should get along just fine. Also don't let the others tell you what to do, stand up for yourself, we'll back you," Kadance finishes her instructions. "You're welcome to use the library or your room or any common room of the house. You may request the aid of any of my team. One last thing, nanny's are responsible for the clothing of the babies. That includes cleaning and putting them away."

"Yes, ma'am, I expected that it did, at least that's how we do it in the creche," Tilene says still stunned at the responsibility given to her. "Is there anything else Ma'am? If not I need to get the rest of my things packed."

"No, well except call me Kadance not Ma'am please. Go talk to Borden. He'll get some of the guards and help you," Kadance says waving her out.

Tilene scrambles out of the room. "Tommy cameras, I want to see this," Kadance orders. Tommy moves up to sit by her. Tilene finds Borden quickly. "He was waiting for her," Kadance smirks.

Tilene sees Borden and she runs to him and in her excitement she kisses him. Borden is taken off guard. "She gave me charge of the nursery!" Tilene says excitedly when she finishes her kiss.

"That's wonderful!" was all Borden got out before she kisses him again. This time he returns it with interest. The kissing becomes more than just congratulatory. "Tommy better remind him to take it to his room. The day is his to help her."

Borden flushes and breaks off the kiss as Tommy talks to him. Borden whispers in Tilene's ear and leads her to his room.

"That will keep him busy for awhile," Tommy laughs.

"Wow even your shy girls aren't shy about that," Kadance murmurs. "I'd never have been able to do that."

Tommy takes her hand and kisses it. "Because you were brought up differently with different mores. But once you found us you didn't need to." Tommy nibbles her neck, "Because we found you irresistible and snagged you before anyone else could. Jayse and I," he continues in between the seductive kissing, "have excellent taste."

Kadance sighs, "At the very least you taste good."

Tommy smiles in appreciation, "So do you love. So do you."

"Borden, everything set up for the Board meeting?" Kadance asks.

"It's all ready to go. Maren will have a banquet of food kept up. Us guards will take turns grilling some foods. Always at least two guards keeping an eye on the pool. I have several guards spread around the pool area and tennis courts. Sandlee has organized games in the gym. Tilene has set up a nursery for those under two or if the little ones need naps. I have extra patrols set up around the grounds to keep idiots from blowing up or getting us blown up," Borden reports.

Kadance smiles at his terminology, "Very good Borden. Thank you everyone, all right, I have nothing further. I'm sure Maren could use help in setting up if nothing else. Sandlee, do you need help? No? Okay. Tilene, how about you?" Kadance asks.

"No, I figured we could use things that are already set up. Some of my team are here already so they'll help me out," Tilene says.

"Okay, anyone else? No, okay, they'll be here by 10:00 tomorrow. Just help out wherever you're needed. Once it's all good to go it's a free day unless you are scheduled on. Tomorrow starting 05:00 everyone is on duty. Jayse wants full sweeps and extra security." Kadance smiles in commiseration. "I know, but the following day will be a free day as well."

"Enough, we've been stuck inside while your families have been enjoying this beautiful day. Ladies and gentlemen you've done well. I thank you on my families behalf. Now go relax and enjoy the day with your family. Changing room are just down the hall, thank you for coming." Kadance says after three hours of detailed reports.

"Tommy was smart, I take it he's happy to be ghosting again?" Kadance says to Jayse.

"Happy as can be," Jayse turns to the twins. "Tommy said to tell you to get your butts down there soonest. He wants you to practice your visible ghosting."

"Yes, sir. As long as we get to eat," Jax says leaving quickly. Jade agrees with him.

"Rackem you're welcome to mix outside as well now," Kadance says.

"I'll just nip on down and snag us both, Candlen and myself some food. I'll help monitor the cameras. I do better out of sight than I do mixing with people," Rackem says. Kadance waves him out.

"I'll have Tommy bring us both some food, then I want you to rest," Jayse says in finality.

"No arguments here. I just have no energy left." Kadance replies softly, "too tired and too hungry."

"Then eat just a little Lady Faire and then we'll guard your room so you can rest." Tommy says popping into the room.

Kadance looks at the plate holding fruits and a salad. "Bless you Tommy." She manages to eat most of it and then Tommy and Jayse escort her to her room.

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