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"Are the bio scanners up?" Kadance asks and Candlen nods. Kadance continues, "Check the DNA profiles. Heath hasn't been off planet since my uncle placed him in command here. I don't want the shifter DNA in the scanner systems, that rather defeats the purpose of them. Also check sweep areas, make sure everything is covered and no holes are left for someone to slip through. Finally reprogram so the sweeps will be more random. I just don't trust those that installed them."

Candlen nods. He and Rackem quickly finish their meal and get to work.

She looks at Tommy and the other ghosts on her team, "Boys don't get caught. I need you too badly okay?" It was said to all of them but that last was mostly for Tommy and they all know it. They in turn look at her innocently, Tommy the most innocent of all. Kadance sighs, "Just be careful okay?"

Tommy smiles, "Always boss lady. Always."

Kadance snorts in derision, "Yeah, right. Tell me another one."

Just then Candlen starts swearing. "That bastard. Shifter DNA was programmed into it. Sweeps were set too. As well as holes set up. A whole damn shifter army could have set up camp here in the capital and take over the whole planet."

Candlen makes some changes in the program and suddenly alarms go off. "Damn there's at least one here."

Her team immediately go into action mode. Jayse calls up Holdings Security and sends them out to locate the enemy.

After a few minutes of tense waiting a reply from security, "There's about a thousand of those damned things holed up in what looks like abandoned warehouses off the shuttle port. The property belongs to Dunworthy Holdings."

"Hold action, I'm sending some of my men. They're ghosts and I want them to position themselves to best advantage, coordinate with them. I repeat hold all actions until my men show up, do you copy?" Jayse says tensely into his com unit.

"Copy that Jayse. Holding action, tell them to hurry up though, looks like some of them are gearing up for action," The Holding security team leader says.

Jayse nods and Tommy leads his ghosting buddies out the door all with smiles on their faces. "They'll be there in five. Make sure none of them leave other than that no actions are to be taken."

"Copy that," The securities team lead signs off and Jayse turns to the others.

The team scrambles to gear up as well. Jayse gives them the evac order for the hotel. Info is sent to Warrior HQ there on Planex. Secure broadcasts are sent with the evac orders to the civilians.

The remaining team escorts Kadance out of the hotel to their backup location.

Suddenly explosions rock the night air. Gunfire sounds and is quickly silenced. That plays out several times. Two more explosions rock the night and brilliant lights light the night sky. Gunfire sounds off and on. Time seems to drag on insufferably long while they wait for further information. Kadance is especially tense and worried.

After about an hour Tommy breaks radio silence. "All clear. Some civilian holdings were damaged. The warehouses are trashed and should be demolished. The shifters are all dead though. No further alerts on the scanner sweeps. You can take our Lady Faire back to her tower. That was fun."

"Warrior HQ is complaining you didn't save them any," Jayse says dryly.

Tommy replies, "Not my fault. They were arming for an assault and we had to take them out immediately. Besides too many soldiers doesn't leave much fun for us." Tommy's voice is innocence itself, but in reality the skirmish was good for the new security guys. Many of them have been redlined for years and this was good for them to be able to participate once more in defense of others.

"Any injuries?" Kadance asks anxiously.

Tommy replies, "Yeah, a thousand or so casualties among the shifters." Tommy's flippant remarks don't sit well with Kadance and Tommy stops cleaning his weapons to give her a serious answer. "A couple managed to get lucky and hit a couple of security. Thanks to the body armor they'll have a few nasty bruises and lots of bragging rights. Nothing serious and no blood drawn on our side. Thanks for the body armor boss lady it works beautifully."

Kadance replies with sarcasm, "You're welcome. We'll talk when you get back."

This sobers Tommy up more than anything else. "I'm not even bruised Kadance. Truly I took no chances even when they were wide open and I thought they'd be safe enough, I promise."

Kadance sighs, "I believe you Tommy, but I need to see for myself you're not hurt. Understand?"

Tommy grins, "Yeah, I do. We'll be awhile cleaning up and salvaging what we can. Get some sleep, I promise I'll check in with you when I get there."

Kelan and Maren take her to her room and make sure she's sleeping before they leave. They'll be busy all night as well and they smile in anticipation. It doesn't take long as Rackem and Borden quickly escort them out of the room.

"Dest as soon as it's light out, check the buildings. If they do need to be demolished like Tommy says then the sooner it's done the better. Besides Command is more likely to let us have the explosives now rather than later when memory is conveniently lost." Jayse gives his final orders as he heads to Kadances room. "Tommy is rarely wrong. Figure out how much we'll need. I doubt Tommy will want to talk by then so you'll have to figure it out yourself."

"Right boss," Dest says and snags Maren as she reenters the room. They head out the door.

Jayse quietly enters Kadance's room and has his own celebration with her.

When they are finished Kadance can only say, "Wow." As she tries to catch her breath. "That was- wow."

Jayse chuckles, "After battle sex is the best." He shows her again. There is no talking for quite some time. This time Jayse softly kisses her as he leaves the bed. Tommy will be there soon and it won't be safe for them to both be in the same room unless Jayse showers and leaves.

Jayse times it just right. Just as he reenters the main room Tommy and the others come back. "Tommy good job. And you even managed to not get her mad at you this time."

That's all Jayse says as he goes to the other side of the room. Fortunately the others had already been taken care of, Jayse is having a hard time keeping his desire under control.

Tommy wastes no time entering the bedroom. He quickly joins Kadance and the smell of sex only makes him desire her all the more. He wakes Kadance and they too have their own private celebration until Kadance is too exhausted to continue. Tommy falls asleep next to her.

Sometime later her stirring wakes him and he starts the celebration all over again. When Kadance can catch her breath she just relaxes in his arm. "Stefi you are wonderful." Tommy says holding her close and kissing her.

She smiles at him, "So are you. That was incredible." Tommy smiles and caresses her face.

"I want to tell you my first name." Tommy whispers. Kadance smiles in pleasure. "My name is Taren." Then he kisses her again.

"Taren," Kadance says in wonder and pleasure. She kisses him again.

Tommy smiles in pleasure at hearing her speak his name. "Go to sleep now Stefi love. Sleep late, Jayse and I have kept you busy." Kadance smiles and is already half asleep by the time he finishes.

"Goodnight, Taren love," Kadance says not realizing that night had long ago left.

"Sleep well, Stefi." Tommy slips out and showers well. He knows that Jayse is still aroused, he'd seen it when he came in last night.

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