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Jayse takes one look at her and knows something is wrong. "What's wrong Kadance?"

The last thing Kadance wants to do is talk about men problems with a man. Especially since he's part of the problem. But she's too confused and needs to speak to someone about it and the others are too new, she doesn't feel comfortable talking to them about it.

So she talks to Jayse although it's very awkward and embarrassing. "I'm confused Jayse."

Jayse can guess about what but wisely stays silent and only raises an inquiring brow that invites her to continue if she wishes to.

Kadance goes over to the bunk that serves as her bed and sits down. She can't handle Jayse looking at her or her looking at him so she invites him to sit on the edge of the bed as she speaks.

"I'm in a situation that I don't know how to handle. With you and Tommy, actually with all of it, but especially you and Tommy." She waits for him to say something and when he doesn't she continues.

"You know that I don't have much experience when it comes to men. The one time I thought I was in love he tried to kill me. Since then I didn't even try to get close to men. Doesn't mean I didn't want to I just didn't." Here she goes more bitter, "Not that it was that hard to avoid. I didn't have many men interested in me. Now I find myself torn between two men that I absolutely trust with my life. I know you are both interested in me. You've both made your interest clear. Yet, you both back off when I want to get closer to you. That confuses me.

"What's more, this is a situation I never thought would happen to me. I was raised with strict guidelines about what is right and moral. And in those guidelines sleeping with someone outside of marriage is wrong. Sleeping with two men is of course even worse. But I find that I just don't care." Kadance can't continue speaking she begins to cry softly.

Jayse finds his resolve weaken and he gently pulls her to him to comfort her. He speaks and tells her a bit about the Warrior society. "In the warrior society, it's different from what you've described. Morality isn't about the sexual act, but about how we treat each other. I told you a bit about how we are expected to always maintain control, remember?" Kadance nods. "Well that's part of our moral code. Loyalty, and protection are placed high in that code as well. But as warriors we don't have the luxury of maintaining only one sexual partner. Most of us don't live long enough for that.

"We are expected to have children. We start at an early age to begin this otherwise many of us would never have children. If we were like civilians most of Sigma would have died childless. Fortunately, or not depending on your view point we start having kids at a young age allowing for the Warrior society to survive. And we're still dying faster than we can have kids.

"It's not unusual for two members of a company to share one woman. What is uncommon is for the bonding to become closed or permanent.

"Tommy and I have tried to maintain our distance from you because you want a permanent and closed relationship and we know that you are confused. We've kept our distance out of respect for you and your desires. We don't want to take advantage of you. We don't want you confused or become upset when we do take you to bed." Jayse keeps the tone as light as he can but he finds this subject troubling. Being alone in her room and talking about this makes him want to ease her pain physically and has to restrain himself from doing so.

Kadance doesn't notice the distress Jayse is in as she thinks about things a bit. Finally she muses softly out loud. "Tommy once mentioned that he lost a son on your last mission. I thought he must have meant someone he'd adopted as in mentored."

Jayse shakes his head, "No. It was his son. He was nearly as brilliant as Tommy when it came to explosives. He was still fairly new to Sigma and so Tommy did mentor him. From the reports I've read, it was his son that made it possible for Tommy to survive. His body shielded Tommy from the worse of the blast. They found his body a bloody mess over Tommy's back.

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