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He looks up as Jayse pulls Kadance up. Jayse gives him a questioning look and Tommy points to the right of the hall. Jayse nods his thanks and helps Kadance to the bedroom.

Jayse gently lays Kadance on the bed. He pulls off her shoes and covers her with another blanket. He places her things on the nightstand and goes over to the chair to sit and watch her.

Kadance wakes up a bit and murmurs to Jayse, "Why are you and Tommy doing things like this. This isn't how protection is done is it?" She meant all the personal treatment and care she'd been receiving from them, but was too tired to clarify things.

Jayse smiles at her question. He understands what she is trying to say. "No, this isn't how it's normally done. Actually we'd likely be taken off the detail if we were this personal with our protectee. But Tommy and I are also, rather clumsily, trying to court you. He's actually not happy that his skills run to the things that will keep him away from you. He knows that will give me more alone time with you than he'll have.

"Truth to tell, I've been having trouble keeping my distance from you. Now sleep Kadance and dream happy dreams." Jayse says forcing himself to stay in the uncomfortable chair.

Kadance smiles happily. A smile that she never dreamed she would wear. The smile of a woman wanted and not just by one man, but by two. And that those two aren't pushing things just makes it all the better. She closes her eyes as she hugs to herself this new found information and has good dreams.

She is awakened suddenly by harsh commands being barked out by Jayse. "We need backup. We're taking heavy fire." Jayse falls silent as the remembered smells of death and ordinance and fire overwhelm him. Then the remembered silence.

Jayse feels someone shaking him awake and a voice breaking that horrible silence. He opens his eyes and realizes that he's covered in sweat. "Jayse, wake up!" Kadances voice is scared. He focuses on her and reality comes back.

Once Kadance is sure that Jayse is awake she holds him in her arms and cradles him as she croons, "It's okay to cry for them Jayse. Go ahead and mourn for them. They deserve it. But you're here safe and you can let it go now." And in Kadances arms for the first time he weeps for his lost comrades and friends, his family, for the men he'd failed. Kadance comforts him the best she can but she knows that nothing can take the pain of losing family away.

Jayse pulls Kadance onto his lap as she too starts crying for the loss of her family. Jayse doesn't say anything as he just holds her tightly to him and lets her cry.

After awhile Jayse can tell that she's fallen asleep and carries her back to bed. The urge to join her there is strong and it is very difficult for Jayse to pull back and return to his chair. The mixture of memories and desire keep him up for the rest of the night. It isn't until shortly before dawn that he's able to go back to sleep.

This time it's a much more pleasant dream that awakens him. He shakes his head in disgust at himself. He gets up and Kadance wakes up.

"Shh, it's alright Kadance. Tommy hasn't slept at all last night. I'm just going into the other room and relieve him so he can get some sleep. Get as much sleep as you want, there's no hurry to get up today." Jayse says gently as he leaves.

Tommy looks up from what he's doing as Jayse enters. He narrows his eyes and snaps out, "You wear eau de sex well Jayse."

Jayse holds his hands up in peace. "We didn't have sex Tommy." He warily walks over to his bag. He'd left it where Tommy had put it just inside the door.

"So says you. The smell is rather pervasive Jayse." Tommy's tone is getting hostile.

"I'm on my way to the shower. Sorry Tommy, dream got out of hand." Jayse says apologetically. It's never a good thing to have two warriors together when they both want the same partner and one smells of sex.

Tommy just watches him all but hostile. Jayse moves as fast as he dares without setting Tommy off. If Tommy lost it now, it wouldn't end well.

After showering Jayse returns, "I'm sorry Tommy. I haven't lost it to dreams like that since I was a young teenager. Thank you for not losing it earlier." Jayse is a bit embarrassed at having to admit that he lost control like he did.

"I don't think I'd be able to keep control staying in the same room as her either Jayse. It's funny that she helps to control the suicidal urges, but the other she excites." Tommy says shaking his head.

"That she does. She's still sleeping, why don't you go get some sleep." Tommy nods as Jayse sits down at the equipment and goes over the report that Tommy wrote.

Tommy heads down the hall to the end and takes the small bedroom as his own. It isn't long before he's sound asleep. Or at least as sound as he's been able to sleep since that last battle.

Jayse finishes reading the report and looks over the plans Tommy has come up with for the protection of Kadance. He nods as he reads them. Tommy has come up with a solid plan, but it requires several more people than they currently have. He comes to a compilation of possible team members. Jayse makes a selection and sends out an invite.

Kadance comes in shortly after that. It's obvious that she hadn't showered yet. Jayse smiles his welcome. He changes the information as Kadance comes closer. She smiles shyly at him.

"I thought you were going to get some more sleep?" Jayse asks trying his best to not kiss her silly.

"I couldn't get back to sleep, so I thought I'd keep you company," Kadance says softly.

"That would be great Kadance. Why don't you go get dressed and then we can pass the time together." Jayse is desperate to get her ready for the day. Her look right now is too tempting and he can't hold on much longer.

Kadance doesn't understand and is hurt that he's pushing her away. "I'm sorry. Am I that hideous in the morning?"

Jayse makes a strangled sound. "No, just the opposite in fact. I'm having trouble not taking you back to that bed and spending the next several hours entertaining you. But you don't want that and it will either end with Tommy or me being hurt. So please..."

Kadance nods her understanding and turns back to her room. She's glad that Jayse couldn't see her face right now. There's no way she can hide the look of satisfaction and happiness there. She's never been the object of someone's desire before.

Kadance gets ready and comes back out. She watches curiously at Jayse's work and he tells her a bit about what they are doing. 

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