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I was looking around everywhere round the house and I couldn't find Lilly anywhere! I started to get a bit worried now. I looked in the bathroom and she was sitting on the toilet drinking. "What are you doing you silly girl?" She smiled at me and stood up. "Drinking a bottle of vodka, want some baby?" She called me baby. I knew she had a crush on me. "Yeah, go on then, I will have a swig." She laughed at me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Oh my god. This is happening now. "Let's go down stairs!" She quizzed me. "Yeah! We can play truth or dare with everyone!" I pulled her hand and we headed downstairs. We all sat down on thr floor and Lilly sat on my lap. Luke and Emily was sitting next to me and Lilly. Luke had his hands wrapped around her waist. I hope Luke does get her tonight. They are the perfect match. Ashton was hooked up with a girl called Chloe, she seemed nice and Michael was hooked up with a brunette called Jess. She was also nice. But I already have a girl I will hook up with tonight. "Emily, truth or dare?" Ashton asked her. "Dare!" We all laughed because she shouted it. "I dare you to kiss Luke." She went bright red and in a matter of seconds, she crashed her lips on to his. She finally kissed him!


Ashton dared me to kiss Luke. In my head I thought no because it's infront of everyone, but I thought, this is my chance to finally kiss him. So I crashed my lips on to his. I pulled away and everyone was cheering. I looked at Luke and his eyes were massive. I guess he was shocked. He could taste my feelings for him. He stood up. "Where are you going?" I frowned because I thought he hated me. Infact, he just ignored me and walked out of the house. What have I done wrong? "LUKE!" I called after him. I eventually found him and he was sitting on the wall staring at a red car. "Did I do something wrong Luke?" He turned to me and pulled me in for a hug. "Em, that was amazing, you didn't do anything wrong, I came out here because I want you, I think I love you." He put his head down and looked at the floor. "Luke, when I sae you today, I called Lilly straight away and told her to hurry up because you guys are super hot." He turned to me and blushed. "I'm not hot!" I laughed at him and pushed him off the wall. "Hey!" He moaned at me. "Catch me hotty!" He rolled his eyes and put his arms out. "I love you Luke." He put me on his shoulders and walked back in the house and into the Living Room. "I love you too sexy."

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