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"What's wrong Calum?" I bit my nails and looked towards mine and Lilly's room. "Go in there, it's Lilly." I was so scared. She walked in and screamed. "Lilly wake up!" She shouted. "I will go and get Luke!" I shouted. I ran into their room and Luke had his spoon in his mouth. "Luke, you need to get off of your arse and come to my room NOW!" He jumped off his bed and ran. "What's happened, is everything o..holy.crap" I started to cry. I really didn't want this to happen. "Boys, get the car ready. We need to get to the hospital. She has gone too far this time." We lifted her up and she was still unconscious. Great. We got to the hospital and asked for a nurse. She was rushed to a room and Emily was crying her eyes out. "I hope she hasn't gone. Another part of my family gone." She cried into Luke's arms. As Emily was crying, I was sitting right next to Lilly and looking at her arm. She has seriously cut too deep. I looked at Luke and he pointed at Lilly. She finally woken up. "What, where am I?" She was petrified. "You're in hospital baby."

She grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes. "Why am I here?" I grabbed her arm and shown her. "Oh." I grabbed her hand and helt it. "Why did you do it Lilly?" She sighed and let go of my hand. "Just Twitter, they are all the people that bullied me when I was younger. I don't get why they are coming back though,  it's been 4 years!" I grabbed her phone and scrolled through her Twitter. I was disgussed what I saw.

@lillymorrison Your disgusting and ugly, you need to die and carry on slitting, because you're an emo.

@lillymorrison Commit suicide, you don't deserve to live, your boyfriend "Calum" thinks your ugly and a whore.

@lillymorrison Slit your throat and slit your wrists, cut as deep as you can so you can kill yourself then we will be happy.

There were more tweets but I felt so sick. I don't believe those slags said them things about her! I gave her the phone back and shook my head. I walked out of the room and headed to a police station. I rang Luke and told him I am at the station. These people have gone too far now. "I would like to report please." They sent me to a room and asked me. "What's your evidence?" I shook my head and got my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through Lilly's Twitter and shown them the tweets. "This is my evidence, these bullies have bullied her since Year 4 all the way up until Year 8. Telling her those words broke her heart and broke mine also. She is sat in the hospital bed in pain because she has cut too deep and tried to kill herself. I want these filthy, dirty girls done please." Their mouths dropped and they sent an expert into the room. He asked me so many questions and I was so tired. They finally let me go and asked for my number to let me know what they have done. Thank god.

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