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We got to the beach and there wasn't a café far away. Me and Emily decided to walk there and get something to eat as we were starving. We got there and we ordered a take out. We got back to the beach with our foods and drinks and have a good chat with eachother. "This wrap and salad is so nice!" Emily mumbled covering her mouth with her hand. "So is mine!" I chuckled at myself. "Let me taste your drink." Emily begged. She tasted mine and I tasted her's. "Yours tastes nice." I told her. "Yours has a bit of a kick in that doesn't it?" Emily raised an eyebrow. I nodded and handed her drink back. 15 minutes went by and we had finished our food. "I am stuffed." Emily shouted almost vomiting. "Same here, how can a wrap and salad be so filling?" I burped excusing myself. I checked the time and it was 6:20. "The day has gone so quickly!" I whinned. She smiled at me and stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked sitting up. "Lets walk across the beach with the bestest boyfriend ever." She made me blush. "And the bestest girlfriend ever, who is beautiful and very, very sexy." She blushed even more. We walked cupping eachothers hands and stopped at one point. "I love you Lucas, you have changed my life since the day we met, you are lovely, sweet, gorgeous, have a great body, precious lips and everything about you is perfect, okay?" She whispered grabbing my head and pulling my forehead to hers. I didn't have anything to say but to kiss her so hard. I smAshed my lips onto hers until she would surrender. She finally did and I put her onto my back to the car. "I'm ready to sing to you when we get in. " I whispered in her ear. She bit her lip and whispered. "Okay baby, I'm looking forward to it." She bit her lip and began to drive,I love her with all my heart, nobody can take her away from me. Nobody.

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