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So it is Monday morning, I woke up and looked at my phone. It was 12:48pm. "God sake!" I shouted lying next to Luke. "Wake up Luke, we need to find Lilly and Calum, we are late for class!" He literally jumped out of bed and got changed. "I'm going to find them, stay here Luke." I walked out of the door and shut it behind me. I was opening nearly every door in the whole house. I didn't want to go to college today because my hangover was really bad. My head was throbbing and I basically felt like a smackhead. I walked into a room and Lilly was getting ready. "Have you seen the time?" I asked her. "Yeah, we are all late for our first day for frick sake! I knew we shouldn't of gone to that party!" I nodded and sighed. "I know, have you got Calum up? Just drag him out of bed, I'm not in the mood today." I spat at her. I was too ill. I closed the door and started walking back to my room. I was still wearing Luke's top. He probably needs that. I smelt the top and smiled. There was a drunk man behind me and was stalking me everywhere. I turned to him and asked him if he needed help. "Why are you following me everywhere? Do you need help around?" He tutted at me and put his hand under Luke's top. He was one pervert! "Get off of my breasts you dirty man!" I screamed and hit him. He picked me up and pulled me to a wall. "LUKE, HELP!" I could hear a door open and Luke seen I was getting harrassed by him. "What the heck do you think you are doing to my girlfriend?!" I was shaking and crying when that man touched me. I hid behind Luke and cried. "She's yours? Oh, sorry mate, she's a hotty though!" I screamed and pushed him down the stairs. "How can this day get any worse for goodness sake!" I ran away from Luke and got changed back into my dress. I had to get back to the dorms as soon as I can. "Emily, let me in." Luke was calling for me. Great. "Fine, don't put me I'm more of a bad mood!" I opened the door and sighed. We walked to the bed and sat down. "Are you okay?" He asked me in a soft tone. "No, not really. First day going to college and were late, I have a really bad hangover, I'm ill and a man tries to bloody rape me!" I shouted. and started to cry. He pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back. "It's okay, let's just take the day off and explain tomorrow what had happened." I  nodded and cuddled him. "By the way, last night...are we a couple now?" I looked up to him and smiled. He poked my cheek and just smacked his lips against mine. "What was that for?" I laughed. "Being my girlfriend" I blushed and punched him playfully. "That's cute." I kissed his cheek. I really love him.

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